Those of the Past

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"Mom, do you know what Element4 is?" Asked a young boy playing in the living room by himself. "Some of the other kids were talking about that, and I think they sound like a group of super heroes." Pretending to fight off a villain.

His mother stood in the doorway between the kitchen and living room, shocked by what he had said. Trembling, and almost dropping the plate she was drying with her apron.

"Raisel." Relapsing from her memory of Element4. "No!" Shattering the kitchenware.

"Mom?!" The little boy asked in alarm.

She had fallen to her knees, hands covering her ears. "Please, please don't let think be true. I can't lose Shane!" Tears dropping to the floor.

"Mom!" He yelled, running over to his mother. "Are you okay?" Shakily reaching out to comfort her.

"Get away from me!" She screamed, slapping Raisel across the cheek.

"R-Raisel, I'm sorry." Stunned by the fact that she had just hit her child, and he did nothing wrong.

"It's okay." Painfully smiling, rubbing his stinging cheek. "I won't talk about them anymore."

Her eyes glazed over in regret,"I'm sorry Raisel." Patting his head. "I'll tell you what Element4 is." Straining somewhat when she mentioned the murderous group.

"Element4 is a group of people who can control the four elements of this world, fire, water, wind, and earth. It may seem cool and what, but they strive towards the same malicious goal; They want everyone to be ruled under their boots." Clicking her teeth. "Your father was a part of a powerful syndicate called, Gaia. He was deployed on a mission to take out Element4, but sadly no one came back alive." Sniffling as she told her son the truth. "They killed your father, Raisel."

His face was blank,"I see, so Element4 kills people that don't listen to them?" Tilting his head to the side.

"Yes, now please, I don't want Element4 mentioned anymore." Kissing his forehead, then going back to the dishes she left in the kitchen.

Raisel sat motionless in the middle of the floor.

"Why would they kill dad? Did he do something wrong?" Questioning his father's life. "Why would they do such a thing?"

Peace soon returned to the home, but wasn't for long.

"You have committed the crime of hurting one of my own, you killed my son." Said a woman shrouded in black. "This is not tolerable and I will take your life in exchange." Lowering her pitch black eyes.

"N-No, I don't know what you're talking about!" The mother shouted in anger and confusion, stepping back a few. "Get out of my house!"

Raisel was startled by the loud noise, and came running down the stairs. "Mom-" Terrified by the sight he had caught.

His precious mother was laying on the floor, as lifeless as the heart the woman cut out of her chest. Darkened eyes, tears streams coming from her eyes, blood splattered across the room.

He crawled to her corpse, denying the obvious fact. "Mom? Wake up mom." Shaking her furiously.

"No, I can't lose you too!" Wailing loudly, not wanting to accept.

"My, my. You are a very loud child." Said the woman still standing, stained hands dropping the organ of life. "There is no need in weeping over her existence, she committed the crime, and she has atoned for it." Kneeling down and looking the boy in the eye.

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