I'm Completely Terrified

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"Who is this?"  Was the first thing I decided to say, me being a complete idiot. I knew exactly who it was, and he knew exactly who I was. To be honest, this was just a way to stall Scott attacking me. I rushed upstairs into my room before Stephanie could say anything and locked my door, smashing my face into a pillow.

"I'm a fucking idiot!" I screamed. I sat with my face absorbed into the pillow until I got a text notification.

How did you hear me singing?

It was clear he was pissed. I reread those words a dozen times in my head before I finally replied.

How couldn't I?

I knew I was dead, but it was true.  He was a beautiful singer. His voice was warm and rich and strong, completely mesmerizing. I could listen to him sing all day. But it wouldn't happen. I wouldn't ever hear his voice again, not like that.

Listen twink, I know you think you're so funny and witty, but I don't find this amusing. Could you just forget this ever happened and we can go on living our lives?

Don't tell me Scottland Hoying is shy? You have a great voice, you shouldn't hide it like that. Embrace it.

But I'm not a total dick, so I'll let it slide ;)

I chuckled, saving Scott as a contact in my phone. Behind the screen I was more confident and strong than ever, and I could actually be myself and not worry about his reaction. I just wish he felt the same and didn't keep up this "bad boy" persona.

Thanks, Mitch.

And that was the last thing he said. I sat my phone down and just looked up at the ceiling of my room, which almost felt like it was looking right back down at me. For just a second I thought everything was okay. Maybe I'd never have to see him again and we could just coexist.

But then I went to school.

The moment I walked through those crowded high school doors was hell, as I was shoved into the wall as hundreds of people went through, several jocks making sure to laugh at me or step on my shoes. Scott had let it be known that I was the enemy, even after I had defended him.

Finally, lunch came. I got in line to get my food and within seconds, I was tripped and shoved to the back of the line by a random guy, who sneered as I fell back. I shot daggers at him and stood back up, getting in line. This time, I got my food and as I walked towards Kirstie, I suddenly felt a leg stick out and press against my ankle, and I fell flying straight down onto my food.

I stood up, looking to see it was none other than Scott.

"What the fuck, Scott?!" I yelled, throwing the smashed tray at his feet. He couldn't stop his laughter as his friends threw insults my way. He didn't even look at me. Everyone was laughing and commenting, but he couldn't even look me in the eyes.

"Stop bitching, Mitch." Scott remarked finally, still not looking up from his phone. The entire cafeteria was looking straight at me, and I ran against as quickly as I could to the bathroom, rushing in and locking the doors.

I looked in the mirror and saw someone I never wanted to see. I looked weak and terrified and tiny. I felt so small. Why was Scott acting like this? I covered for him. I made sure he never would have to deal with the embarrassment he feared, and he just threw it back in my face. I wiped the food off of my face and clothes, and zipped up my jacket to hide what wouldn't come off.

I couldn't stop thinking. Scott used me. He made sure I would protect him but told everyone to go after me. As I thought and stared in the mirror, I felt tears gathering in my eyes.  I wiped them off quickly, groaning. Get it together Mitch. He's just some lowlife, don't let him get to you. I thought. I ended up spending the entire lunch period in there, trying to calm myself down and waiting until I could get to class.

Unfortunately, right before the period ended, I heard a knock on the bathroom door. I froze.

"Yes?" I asked, reaching to unlock the stall door.

"Mitch, can I come in?" A familiar voice asked. I paused at the door, realizing the nervous voice was Scott's.

"Why the hell should I let you in here? To make fun of me more? What the fuck do you want from me, Hoying?"  I snapped,  punching the door to scare him off from the other side. There was silence, and I heard him walk away. I knew it. He just wanted to embarrass me more. That's his thing. Using people.

What an ass.

The day came to an end and for the most part, I was left alone. Nothing as drastic as the previous events happened again, and I tried my best to blend in. When the final bells went off, I ran out of the school and walked home, feeling more distant than ever. As I listened to the murmur of the school get quieter and quieter, my phone suddenly went off.

"Mitch, is everything alright?"

It was Kirstie. We hadn't spoken to each other all day. I'm guessing she saw the episode at lunch.

"I'm perfect, Kirst." Was the only response I could say. What could I say? I know Kirstie well, and I know when she wants something, she will never ever give up. Even if she should.

"Mitch, I'm sorry about earlier. I know you couldn't change it and you couldn't change him. I was gonna go find you, but I had a feeling you were going to the bathroom, and I can't exactly waltz in."

I laughed, half smiling as I read her message.

"I understand. I just hate Scott so much."

"I know. Should I uninvite him from my party? I want you to have fun, Mitchy."

"I will, don't worry about it. I'm sure things will be better. Besides, you said he already RSVP'd, don't wanna fuck it up now."

"Yeah. Besides, I know after lunch he went to apologize to you, so maybe things will be better, huh?"

Scott's P.O.V

"Hey, Scott? Earth to Scott! Where the hell is he?" Tom asked, waving a hand in front of my face. I snapped out of thought and pushed his hand away, snickering.

"Sorry, I was just thinking."

"Thinking? You? That's unusual." He teased. I rolled my eyes.

Football practice had just ended, and we were all packing up. I hadn't done very well today, mainly because I was still  thinking about Mitch.

I'd really fucked things up this time.

I mean, I didn't really care about him. Yeah, he's funny and his smile is adorable and I adore the way he bites his lip when he's scared and how he sticks up for himself against anybody-

Scott, you have a girlfriend. A very beautiful one. Alex. What are you talking about? Mitch probably has are boyfriend, why wouldn't he?

Nonetheless, I felt horrible for what I did. Everyone I knew despised Grassi, and I knew if I befriended him, I'd lose all my friends and maybe even Alex. I didn't have to worry about that now, though. Mitch was terrified of me.

And I was terrified of myself, too.

Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm sorry this one took a while to come out, I had a few ideas on how I wanted it to go. The next few chapters will be long and FULL of drama ;) so vote and comment for more!

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