Give 'Em Hell

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Eventually the day ended and all I wanted to do was go home. As I got my bag out of my locker it slammed shut, revealing a tall brown haired boy with an amused smirk on his face. I sighed at him, still shaken from him almost crushing my hand.

"Is there something you want?" I asked, exasperation pinching my voice. He looked me up and down like an animal, his blue eyes making my eyes run cold.

"What's the hurry? Boyfriend waiting?" He asked, chuckling to himself. I wasn't open about my sexuality, but if I was asked I confirmed that I was in fact gay. I wasn't ashamed about being gay, but I didn't feel the need to advertise.

"What's it to you?" I said in a small voice. He was almost a foot taller than me and I was terrified. But I'd never let it show.

He suddenly shoved me against the wall, glaring directly at me. I tried to wiggle out of his grip, but I couldn't. He was too strong. I pushed his stomach, but his arm just pressed harder against me.

"Lucas!" A voice yelled.


I froze and began struggling to get away from Lucas as quickly as I could. "Get the hell off of me!" I yelled, kicking his ankle as hard as I could. He didn't even flinch. I heard footsteps thundering over and I winced before Scott even came over, and he had company.

"Lucas, let him go!" Scott yelled, heaving his friend off of me by the shoulder. I fell onto the ground, trying to steady my breathing. Scott looked over at me, but didn't offer a hand, just stared. I brushed off my pants and stood up. Scott's few cronies laughed a bit as I collected myself, but I tried to not let it get to me.

"Sorry about that, dude. Surely that wasn't the worst beating you've received, right?" Scott asked. I stared at him in disbelief. He looked sincere, but that question made me doubt it.

"You're kidding, right? Beating?  I'm not even sure why the heck he even attacked me!" I defended.

"Well I mean..." He trailed off, to which I knew exactly what he meant without him saying a word.

"Ohohoho! This coming from the guy who sings Beyoncé in the locker rooms?" I humorlessly laughed. His friends went silent and stared at Scott, but he didn't notice. His expression went from concerned to pissed in about 2 seconds.

"Listen, I'm not sure you know your place, but if you know anything you know that you are a nobody. Just another fish floating around in the sea of life. You aren't so special, Mitch. How about you run on home now, got it? And if you know what's good for ya, you won't turn around."

I didn't reply, and instead I grabbed my bag and made sure to smack him in the face with it as I swung it over my shoulder before springing as fast as I could as far as I could out of the school.

"YOU DUMBASS FAG! YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!" Scott screamed as his friends threw insults my way, but the sound of the rushing wind in my ears and my heart throbbing muffled them. I smiled to myself. Did I really just fucking do that?

The first thing I did when I was a decent distance from the school was call Kirstie. Maybe this would change her mind about him coming to her party.


"Kirst...holy shit we need to talk." I panted, leaning against a random house's mailbox.

"Are you okay? Why are you talking like that?"

"I'm fine, but Scott and his dumb friends attacked me after school."

The other line went silent.

"So...guess he's not gonna come to your party now, is he?" I said triumphantly, chuckling humorlessly.

"Mitch, he already said he could come." She admitted.

"What?! That quickly?!"

"I'm sorry Bubble!" Kirstie pleaded, using my nickname to soften me up, but it wasn't working.

"Kirstie, he's going to literally murder me. You have to lie and tell him it's cancelled or something! I don't want to die at only 17!"

"Mitchell, my dear, he won't kill you. I won't let him. Besides, if I tell him it's cancelled he'll tell his friends and eventually nobody will come but you."


Kirstie groaned, immediately making me understand this wasn't debatable. Scott Hoying was coming to her party.

"He touches me once I'm suing you, Maldonado."

"Don't worry, bubble. I'll kick his ass." She said in a joke voice before hanging up. I looked up at the sky and groaned. Could this get much worse?!

I arrived home soon enough to only my sister, who was making ramen on the stove.

"Steph, I need your opinion." I groaned, sliding into a kitchen chair and looking over at my baby sister. She smiled.

"What's the problem this time, Mitch?" She asked with slight amusement in her voice.

"I'm gay, as you know."

"Yes, my brother, it would only take the average person about 3 minutes to figure that out."

"But there's these dumb assholes at school who find the need to harass me about every little thing, especially that, and Kirstie is having a party this weekend and she invited them." I complained, almost yelling on the last two words. Stephanie shook her head, biting her lip.

"Did you talk to Kirstie about it?" She asked. I nodded. She sighed.

"I'm assuming she said they're still coming, from your attitude." I nodded again, laughing a bit.

"Well all I can advise is that if you still plan on going to her party, you should act as happy as you can, making all those guys feel powerless. Like, what's the fun in attacking someone who doesn't even care we're attacking them!" She explained, squeezing my hand from across the table with a grin. I nodded.

"God, I'm the older one here! I'm suppose to be giving you advice!" I laughed, leaning back in my chair. She rolled her eyes and returned to her cooking.

I smirked to myself, I just might be able to pull this off. As I went to stand up I felt a vibration in my pocket. I pulled out my phone to see a text from a random number.

how the fuck did you know what was going on in the locker room

To be continued...

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I promise the next few chapters will have more going on and more action, less filler! Vote and comment for more!! Xxx

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