They Don't Love You

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Mitch's P.O.V

I sighed silently to myself, observing the choir class go on as I sat in the director's office, organizing music for the Winter Concert. I didn't want to be here, basically crammed in the closet of an office between the music room and the locker rooms, but once Ms. Simmons tells you to do something, you'd be dammed to have to be told twice. I took the piles of music and put them in section order, listening to the voices on either side of the room to take away from the boredom I felt. Suddenly a voice cut through the rest.

"What a wicked way to treat the girl that loves you. Hold up, they don't love you like I love you. Oh, down, they don't love you like I love you." A male's voice sang suddenly. I looked into the choir window only to see everyone singing arpeggios. Jesus, is a jock actually  singing Beyoncé? I looked through the small peephole in the door at the person singing.

The locker room was vastly empty and didn't have a single soul inside, except for one boy. Well, he's hardly a boy. He was extremely tall and muscular, with soft light blue eyes and bright blonde hair. He was putting on his clothes, but he already was wearing pants. He threw on a red and black flannel, but he was muttering the words to the song. I knew exactly who it was. Scott Hoying. One of the most beautiful, and rude people in the entire school. Star of the football team, looking like the physical embodiment of 'YOLO.' So, I decided to mess with him.

"Oh, it is such a shame, you let this good love go to waste. I always keep the top tier, 5 star. Backseat lovin' in the car." I softly sang, just loud enough that he and only he could hear it, I kept myself low and kept staring through the little glass hole that made me feel like a spy watching the enemy. The moment the words left my lips a smile faintly glowed on his face before he covered it hesitantly.

"Like make that wood, like make that wood-" He sang back, looking around the locker rooms.

"-Holly like a boulevard." I chirped back, feeling a grin growing on my face. He had no idea it was me. I was singing Beyoncé with Scott Hoying, the most sought after man in school, but he'd never know it was me. I only spoke to my one friend, Kirsten. Nobody else knew what I sounded like, really. I just didn't feel the need to speak all the time.

"What's worse, lookin' jealous or crazy? Jealous and crazy? Or like being walked all over lately, walked all over lately. I'd rather be crazy."

~ Lunch ~

"You did not, Mitchell Coby Michael  Grassi." Kristin said, smacking my shoulder as I explained the events from earlier. We sat at a tiny table completely secluded from the entire student body, and it was pretty nice. I chuckled.

"We sang Beyoncé together, Kirst! It was hysterical!" I defended. She looked back at Scott, who was buried in his phone at a crowded booth, boys and girls practically worshiping him. She looked back to me.

"Never pegged him as that kind of guy." She scoffed with a smile.

"Says the girl who listens to Fall Out Boy every 10 minutes." I teased. She burst out laughing, and it stayed like that for a while. Just us two having a blast while Scott sat only a few meters away, ignorant to what we were discussing.

I couldn't help but let my mind wander, though. Did Scott know it was me? Did he know I existed?! I always assumed that his people were an entirely different species. I sat here, practically a piece of printer paper in a world of tall strong walls. I didn't even compare to him. He had everything made out for himself, and I,

I didn't have a goddamn clue.

"Mitch? Mitchell?!" Kirstie suddenly asked, shaking me from my thoughts.

"Wha?" I muttered, as the blonde girl shook her head with a small sigh.

"Did you hear what I said in that beautiful mind of yours?"


"Of course you didn't. Anyway, I suggested we invite him to my Valentine's Day party. I know a ton of people will come, maybe we can spy on him." Kirstie suggested.

"What?! Why?!" I asked, eyeing here suspiciously. I knew she was popular, she always befriended everyone, but I wasn't sure I liked the idea of him at her house. With her. And me.

She shrugged. "He's caught my interest."

"Kirstie, you have a boyfriend!!" I yelled, laughing like an idiot. She kicked me from under the table.

"I'm not saying it like that, stupid! I love Jeremy!" Kirsten defended, grabbing her phone and jumping onto twitter. That meant this conversation was over.

So, I guess 'YOLO' was coming to the party.


Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading my first Scömiché!  I promise things will only get better from here. Vote and comment for more, have a lovely day! ♥

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