6. The Day That Won't Be Forgotten

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Edward felt that she was lying on him. Deep down him he was sure of that.. He felt it. He knew that she didn't sleep till now. It was about 10pm and she never slept at that time before. He knew her.
He felt that she was going to text him tonight or tomorrow, he was sure of that. He was sure that she had done that 'cause of his tough treatment the last days.
He hoped that she text him tonight if she didn't he would.
On the other hand, Chloe entered her home. Her mother already travelled for several months with her dad to France to do business there.
She ran to her room and cried a lot. She didn't know what to do. She went to pray to God that he help her in that problem and to facilitate it.
While she was praying she cried a lot, but something spiritual told her to text him. She knew it was a mark from Allah to help her.
She took her mobile and opened his chat and texted him.

-You didn't sleep yet?

=You too I see. Why are you awake?

-Overthinking. And you?

=The same.. What you are thinking about?

She was forced to lie. She wanted to say that she was thinking about him, but she couldn't do it. She completed answering.

-My ex-boyfriend. He hurt me too much this time.

=I'm feeling with you Lo, but you have to move on. Life won't stand on him. You have to make sure that he wasn't the right guy and he won't be. If he was a responsible person he would know that entering a relationship have its rules.. He have to take care of you, put you his first concerns and never to look to another girl except you.

She read this message and it changed her mood totally. She knew he was hinting at something he didn't say it directly. She answered him.

-You're so gentle, Ed.

=Gentlity is a part of me already, but I can't find the right girl to give to her.

-You still don't have a girlfriend!

=Unfortunately I don't.. I've a crush on someone, but I think she is not single.

That time she didn't know what to do to congratulate him or to do help him. She never thought in herself that she could be this girl.

-Who is she?

=You can guess..

-Is she with us at the course?


-Tall or Short?

=Too short.

-Slim or fat?

=Slim.. She is about 19 or 20

- I think 20.

These things were enough to know herself, but she wanted to be sure more.

-What else ,Ed?

=She adore something called red lipstick.. and the bonnet in the winter.

It was her by all her details.. It was Chloe. That short, slim girl with the dark brown hair and medium skin. She tried to make herself stupid.

-You won't tell her?

=Chloe are you kidding.. it's you Chloe. I've a crush on you. I want to hear your response on that right now.

She was shocked all her friends were offline.. She jumped on the bed from happiness. Finally, he told her after all that time.

-Go to sleep, Ed. We have a long day tomorrow. It's our best friends engagement.

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