Chapter 4

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Kelly's P.O.V.

I had no idea what just happened. I didn't even think about what I was doing. I just did it.

The thought constantly ran threw my mind. I kissed him.

Why did I do that? I'm with Jake and we are happy together. Danny is my best friend and I care about him, but why did I kiss him?

"Kelly, is that you." My mom then walked into the living room, interrupting my thoughts.


"Honey want happened?"

I could tell she knew something. "W-what do you mean?"

I was expecting the worse. Which was explaining to my mom what happened at the party. Right now I couldn't talk about it. I didn't want to remember, just forget.

"Why did you leave Jake's party?"

Thank god. I really didn't want to tell her. "He fell asleep and I didn't want to wake him up, so I called Danny."

"Ok. Next time please let me know what's happening. I was worried."

"Sorry." I didn't know what else to say so I told her I was going to hang out in my room for the rest of the day. Then I walked up the stairs and changed into my favorite pair of sweats and a loose t-shirt.

The weekend went by too fast. I wasn't ready to go back to school. Facing everyone would be hard, even though they don't know what happened. I felt that everyone would be looking at me and judging me because I didn't sleep with that guy.

I still haven't told my mom or Jake. I figured that I should tell at least one of them. Danny already knew so that is one less person I have to tell.

After Jake had picked me up for school, I began trying to tell him about what happened to me at his party. I was trying to think about how I was going to say it. I didn't want him to get mad at me.

Before I could say anything, Jake turned down the music that was playing. "Why the hell would you leave my party with him?" His voice was filled with anger and confusion.

I was a little shocked with his statement. Honestly, I didn't think he would remember the party due to the fact that he was wasted. Jake could even sit up let alone be aware that I had left early.

"That's what I've been meaning to talk to you about." My whole body tensed up. "Something happened at your party."

"Well then start explaining."

I sighed. "I went to your kitchen some water. As I was walking out," tears began forming in my eyes,"this guy, probably a little older than me, grabbed me from behind. He dragged me into a room and slammed me into a wall. Then h-he started to take my clothes off and-"

I was then interrupted by a pissed off Jake. "I knew it! You cheated on me you little whore."

"No! I was almost raped!" Tears began falling freely from my eyes.

"You almost slept with a random guy and you won't even sleep with me."

I couldn't believe what he just said. Thankfully, we were already at the school, so I ran out of his car to where I could be by myself.

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