Chapter 5

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I drove to the dress store wanting to find a last minute dress. As I walked in, the store was surprisingly empty.

A young girl, maybe in her early twenties, came up to me with a smile. "Hi! Welcome to Windsor. Do you need any assistance today?"

"Um... sure Tiffany," I said reading the name on her name tag. "I could use help trying to find a dress."

"Ok! What kind of dress are you looking for?"

I just shrugged.

"Well, what's the occasion," she said cheerfully.


"Ok follow me!"

She lead me towards the back of the store. I saw some really pretty dresses. Some were casual, others were formal and some were cocktail dresses.

"Ok, here are the ones with the best price and best quality. Would you like me to help you pick something?"

"No thank you," I said kindly. As she walked back toward the register, I found some really nice dresses.

I headed toward the dressing rooms once my arms were full of clothes. Once inside, I tried each one on.

After about twenty minutes, I narrowed down my choices to one gorgeous dress.

It was a soft blue.  There was a thin, see through fabric that went up from my breasts to neck and formed a short sleeve. It had a beautiful design of diamonds on the waist line and on the chest. It wasn't too flashy, too short, too loose or too tight.

I took the dress to register to pay for it. As Tiffany handed me my receipt, she commented on my decision. "That's a lonely choice. I'm glad you picked it."

I smiled at her and then thanked her for her kind words and the help she gave me today.

As I walked out of Windsor, I bumped into Danny. We haven't talked to each since he found me in the library. I felt bad for ignoring the calls and texts he sent me. I wasn't sure what to say, I didn't want to remember anything from the horrid night.

I don't know that happened to me or why Danny showed up out of know where. There are so many questions I want to ask but I don't want to hear the answer. It will just remind off that night. I just want to finally forget.

"Hi Kelly." He didn't make eye contact with me.

"Hey Danny. Are shopping for a tux," I said trying make the situation a little less awkward.

He chuckled and looked me. In unison, we both started laughing. "You, Kelly Davis, asked me if I was going to wear tux," he said before he broke into laughter.

Danny hated wearing tuxes since our third grade play. He had really bad stage fright; however, he managed to get the lead role.

On the night of the performance he had to wear a tux. For some reason he had an allergic reaction to the material and got really itchy. He could help but scratch his arms and legs.

The other kids laughed at him, which made matters worse. He become so embarrassed that he threw up. I felt so bad for him.

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