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Hide your fangs all you want, you still need the blood

"I'm fine, really, you can let go of me now." I tried pull away from Elena's bone crushing hug.

Eventually, the bleeding had stopped, and the pain too. It just all went away right when I had gotten some fresh air, and that wasn't even the weirdest part. Right when I got carried out of the bathroom; Stefan thought it was unsafe to walk. I got a glimpse of something, and it wasn't some kind of bug or flying dust; it was more like watching someone through a straw. I made sure right after someone to write down exactly what I saw, before getting caught by Elena who said I should be resting.

"No your not OK, that just doesn't happen over night Riley." She pushed me to the bed, so I had to sit down.

I had no intention on telling her what happened. I actually refused to talk while the three tried to interrogate me with millions of questions. They had finally gave up, and let me go to my room where I was suppose to be resting.

Elena was the sweetest yet annoyingest person in the world. She likes to be pushy, and that's one of the characteristics I hate about. If someone doesn't want to tell you something maybe there's a reason to do so.

"I just had a bloody nose Elena, I'll be fine." I argued back.

All she did was stare into my eyes; was she trying to see through me. No, that was my trick, and it wasn't going to work for her. I decided to challenge her and stare right back at her. I was of course one step ahead of her on this. She finally opened her mouth to say something;

"Your mouth-". She looked like she was think of what to say next. "was bleeding, and that can't happen unless you get punched or hurt." So she wasn't as clueless as I thought.

She was not one step closer to figure it, so I would have to make her take one step back.

"Did you see--" 

"Elena, we have to be at the high school in ten". The voice sounded like Jeremy. It wasn't like him to be this cheery. But I didn't really pay attention to his voice; I was still trying to think what Elena was about to say.

Elena got up; probably just noticing the time on the clock. She was about to walk out of my room when she turned around her eyes were slits.

"Were going to have this conversation one way or another sister." She walked off to what I assumed to her bedroom to get dress for Founder's Day.

My plan for this afternoon was to search through Elena's room to see whatever the little secret of hers is, because what shes keeping from me is what I think is causing chaos in her brain and mine. From now on I want to know what's going on with everyone's life.

I made out Jenna's voice downstairs, however I couldn't hear what she was saying. I was guessing she was taking to Elena, maybe helping her put on that tight dress of hers. I wanted to see what she looked like before I snooped around.

Never had I thought that our family was going to actually going to change so much in the past year or two. I wish it hadn't changed so much, because of all the change without having mom and dad here, and Jenna being our now legal guardian, there's no way were ever going back to living our normal life. Elena still can't get that in her head that there's know way to bring them back, and that she can't just patch up the missing pieces in this already broken family.

The slam of the front door, startled me, and made me come back into reality. 

There was a sudden bang of what sounded like the room next to mine which meant that Jenna was in her room. I opened my door slowly making sure not to make a sound, if any of them found that I was awake I would be quickly escorted back into my bed to sleep. The door squeaked when I pulled it to a stopping point. I was scared the sound was going to make Jenna come out of her bedroom. I waited for a few seconds, and the only thing that was heard was the beautiful sound of silence.

That only came when everyone was out doing something, not even at night would there be complete silence rarely you would hear Jeremy turn on the tv in the living room, or Elena talking to Stefan on the phone. I swear this house never gets to sleep do to all the guests we have coming and going due to Elena and her friends. 

I tip-toed to Elenas' bedroom door that looked like it was shut tightly. I twisted the door handle and cracked the door open just enough so that I could slide through.

The room was looked like a bull came for a snack. Clothes were scattered everywhere, and don't get me started on all the dirty dishes. You couldn't even see the soft gray carpet, since clothes and towels, books, and even her laptop was hovering on the ground.

I tried my best to avoid the hills of clothes so I wouldn't fall on my face. I headed straight for her vanity in the right corner, that's where I had seen her journal last time I took a trip to her room. Only her room wasn't nearly as dirty as it is now.

I know my sister, and the she hated messes. She would usually go in Jeremy's room at least one day a week, and spend an hour cleaning up his room, and doing his laundry. Just because he didn't have the time to do it, but that's what Jeremy said.

There was nothing but dirty cups and what looked like dad's old classic glasses that he used specifically for alcohol. I went to smell the glass, and accidentally dropped it which made it brake into thousands of tiny pieces. Only I didn't paid much attention to the broken glass, just the horrible burning sensation in my nose.

There was know way to describe the pain in my nostrils. What ever the hell that was it must not taste good. There was a little bit of a black light forming in the middle of my vision. I felt like I had just took some sleeping pills, and my eyes were drooping. I stabled my self using the vanity, and shook my head trying to get the black spots to go away. But they just followed my vision.

I had to get out of hear before Elena came home.

But she wont be home till this evening so I'll just take...a nap.....right...here. 


Hey hun would you be a sweetheart and comment what you think? 


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