Chapter 9

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I arrived to the party early in hopes that I could find Jay sooner rather than later. I looked all around and even texted him again asking where he was and if he was coming in general. There weren't many people at this party, maybe 20 people. Less than my usual 50. Mind you, I still went and did my normal party drink combination. 2 glasses of orange juice with vodka, along with (If I really wanted to forget everything) a few shots paired with lots of dancing. So I went to the drink table to begin my drink marathon and picked up my first glasses. I drank it slowly and walked around, continuing to look for Jay. While looking, I managed to find his friend, Mason.

"Heyyyy" I grinned as I walked over to him.

"Hey hot stuff." He smirked and took a puff of his cigarette.

"Is Jay here?" I took a sip of my drink.

"Nah, the girlfriend couldn't come so he decided to stay home."

I smiled to myself, did he really share to his friends that I was his girlfriend? I managed to say to him "Oh, yeah but then I found a way to come and well, now I'm here!"

He looked me up and down. "Yeah. sure whatever." Put out his cigarette then walked on to the dance floor. My new knowledge of how Jay felt gave me a sort of high that typically only drugs could give people. I was so excited that I ended up drinking more than I had ever. The words "He loves me" along with "He called me his girlfriend" continually came out of my drunk mouth as I danced around. My phone began to continually vibrate in my pocket, which I hadn't noticed because of the drunk sensation I was enduring. I ended up answering without looking at the caller id.

"Heyyyyyyyy." I yelled into my phone as if it were miles away.

"Hey, is this a bad time?" At first I couldn't recognize who it was.

"Nooooo I feel absolutely greaaat." I slurred my words as I spoke.

"Gab, why do you sound drunk?" The voice began to become more recgonizable but I still couldn't think straight enough to know who it was.

"I ammmm verrrry drunk." I giggled uncontrollably into the phone.

"What party are you at?" I finally figured out who I was talking to, Steven.

"Nicole's house, wanna come parrtty with me?" I giggled once again.

"No thanks, I live down the street though. I'll give you 30 more minutes then I'm driving you home. Okay?" I heard him say sympathetically.

"Party pooper."

"Good then I'm doing my job correctly. The clock is started now."

He hung up and I downed another shot. He loves me, he loves me I can't believe he loves me, Jay loves me, I'm his girlfriend, oh my goodness. I began dancing the night away on the sparse dance floor to the rhythm of my own excitement.

Once my drunk feeling wore off a little bit, I began walking around looking at all the people who were also at the party. I was unable to identify most of them from my vision being blurry and hearing being echoed


"Oh, gotcha." I heard as I felt a tight drip around me.

"I-What happened?" I mumbled out.

"I met you here, you said you were ready to go home, we were walking to your car and you looked like you were going to black out, I think you did for a second. Are you okay?" Steven said in a calm voice.

I looked around noticing how we were in the driveway, next to my car. His arms were tightly around me to prevent me from falling and I had a horrible headache. "Yeah, I'm good, but I kinda can't go home, or drive."

He laughed. "You already told me that, and handed me your keys. Why can't you go home though?"

"My mom thinks I'm spending the night at a friend's house."

He unlocked my car and opened the passenger door, helping me into the car. "You are though, so you didn't lie to her." He quickly moved into the driver's seat and turned the car on.

"What do you"


I opened my eyes slowly. Navy blue walls, a gray blanket at the end of the bed and a new england patriots poster on the wall. I tried to sit up only to be restricted by my pounding head and bag of ice on my head.

"Oh hey, you woke up" I heard Steven's voice and followed the sound, turning my head to the chair next to the bed.

"Am I?"

"In my room, yes. Welcome to mi casa amigo!" I put my hand on top of the ice as he spoke. "Oh wow, you're really smashed aren't you?" I nodded and he gave me a calming smile. "Don't worry, you're staying with Dr. Stevo tonight."

"But I feel bad taking your bed."

"Don't worry, it's no big deal Gab, trust me you need it more than I do right now." He looked at me. "Would you like some advil?"

"Yes please." I tried to get up but he got up instead.

"I'll get it for you." He smiled as he walked out of his bedroom.

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