Chapter 4

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 By the time I got out of the hospital it was already 6 PM so I had the plan to just swing by Michael's house, have a couple drinks and be home by 8, it was a good plan. When I showed up the party was already booming, loud music, filled up drink table and everyone jumping into the pool. This was my type of party. I walked over to the drink table, picking up a glass of vodka, downing it as quick as possible. I began on the dance floor, dancing up against guys as I had did a few nights before. These dances were more intense, everyone was more into it, and I was digging it. As soon as the vodka had partially worn off I made my way back to the drink table, downing another 2 to make my worries go away.

"Hey, I don't think that's a good idea." I heard as I went to pick up a third.

I turned and looked at the voice I heard talking, my vision was blurry enough to the point where I couldn't make out if it was a male or female. "No, it's okay I'll be, I'll be fine."

They put their hand on my shoulder and talked to me slowly as if I was a preschooler. "Trying to get away from your feelings?"

I nodded. "Kind of."

"Then I have just the thing for you." They held up a bag, containing weed.

"Oh no thank you, I don't need that." I began to walk towards the dance floor.

"Are you sure, I mean..." I began not listening as they continued to speak to me. I searched the dance floor for another guy to dance with, to my surprise I saw a guy who looked a lot like Jay. It couldn't have been though, Jay say he wasn't coming to this party. Plus that guy was making out with a girl, Jay had texted me at one point saying he was single.

I shook my head and looked back at the person lecturing me on why I should try some of his most likely spiked weed. "No thank you."

Walking my way back on to the dance floor I had become more curious on if that guy was actually Jay or not, so I picked my phone out of my pocket and texted: Hey!

The guy in the distance didn't take his attention off the girl or change his facial expression as if he phone was buzzing, ultimately meaning that it wasn't Jay. Thank goodness.

After 3 shots of vodka and 2 hours I felt I was ready to drive myself home. My vision had un-blurred itself and I could walk straight. I got into my car, checking my phone before I began to drive.

One text, my phone read. From Jay: Hey love, how's the party? Sorry I couldn't make it to dance with you.

I smiled to myself, replied and began driving myself home. I wish I could've told you what was running through my mind while I was drove, I really wish I could've. It was a mixy-mashy twist of every emotion. Ding. I heard from my phone. I looked around, no other cars, no turns, no stoplights or stop signs. I took my phone out with one hand and kept my other on the steering wheel.

From Jay: I'm glad you're having a good time, tell me you didn't meet any other guys did you?

I peeked back up at the road then type with my right thumb

Nop I onky talked to ine and I wasny going to tale his weed

I clicked send without re-reading the message and put my phone back into a cup holder. Soon proceeding to stop at the stop light at the corner, only to once again hear my phone ring. I waited until the light was green. No one in front of me, no one next to me, no one beside me, no curves, I'm good. I picked up my phone again and skimmed the message.

From Jay: Good, wouldn't want anyone to out shine me. Are you drunk? Do you need me to pick you up?

I peeked into the road, seeing that I was swerving into the left lane in front of an incoming truck.

"Fuck." I used my one hand and swerved back into the right lane, retaining control of the car. I got my phone back out and texted with my right thumb.

No Im pkay fon't worry about me.

I once again put my phone into the cup holder, this time turning on the radio. Of course a song I didn't really like was on, Bad decisions by Ariana Grande. I came up to the stop light before my housing track and decided I would listen to the song just because I wasn't far from my house.

"We got that hood love, we got that good love, make me make bad, boy you make me make bad decisions." played in the background.

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