Chapter 8

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The next morning began rough, my mother continually questioned me to make sure I didn't change my story of where I was instead of just calling Sheryl. This began to threaten life as I knew it. Through my mother's new found curiosity it would be more difficult to take off to parties, especially with Jay who she had no idea I was "seeing". I ate breakfast in silence, the only noise being a hit of my spoon on my cereal bowl when I scooped in for more cereal. After I finished my breakfast I began to wonder if my mother was ever going to go to work that morning, she was already 20 minutes late, what did she not trust me enough to leave me home alone?

I changed into comfy clothes to lay around the house in for the day and picked up my phone seeing that I had two messages. I opened the one from Steven first, it read "Hey! Gosh, you weren't kidding about the 5 hour thing, now tell me, are you possibly going to be around today?" I responded back with the honest truth saying I was most likely grounded and sad because I couldn't witness Maddie wake up. The other was from Jay, it read "Hey cutie, party tonight.. Wanna go?" I responded to him saying I'd make an excuse to my parents to go. Within a few minutes Steven replied, it said "Ah man, jail cell. Need anything? Food, water?". I laughed to myself and responded back saying no with a smiley face. He was the only thing that had made me smile since I saw Sheryl's excitement for her daughter to wake up. I heard the garage door close and mom's car leave. I rushed down to the kitchen only to find an apology note explaining that she had called Sheryl and she was proud of me for being honest. Buzz, buzz. I took my phone out of my pocket and responded to Steven telling him about the apology letter. I knew I had to come up with another plan of how to get out of the house to go with Jay for the night.

"What would Maddie do, What would Maddie do?" I questioned as I paced around the kitchen. "Aha!" I picked my phone up and called Mikayla.

"Hey Mother Gabby, how ya doin?" She answered.

"I'm good how are you?" I crossed my fingers in hope she would agree to my plan.


"That's great! Hey, so there's a party tonight on your street, can I tell my parents I'm sleeping over with you?"

The line went silent for a second as I mouthed the word please multiple times. "Yeah, sure!" She sounded rather confused when she said. "But I thought you don't drink?"

"I just began to recently"

"Oh! Okay yeah that's fine!"

I proceeded to thank her a million times before I hung up the phone. Operation party is a go.

Next I called my mom, hoping there were no hard feelings about me cutting my curfew.

"Hey, mom! I'm going to Mikayla's house tonight for a sleepover is that okay?"

"Yes but only if your room is cleaned." I heard her mumble into the phone.

"It is, don't worry." I grinned.

"Alright, have fun honey I love you"

I told her I loved her too and hung up. Step 2: distract mom is successful.

I questioned whether I should call Jay or not considering he never texted me back. Walking into the living room, I received another text from Steven saying "It's great you're no longer on house arrest, does this mean you're coming to see Maddie?" I replied back "No, I'm going to a party later I can't miss." When I pressed send I didn't realize exactly how selfish that statement was, let me tell you though, I needed a drink.

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