Chapter one

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Anastasias pov

Today was a really big day for me. Today I was turning into a full grown up. After today I was going to own my own apartment. After today I would be 18. It's the day I've been waiting for since I was young. I would be on my own away from my family and off to do things my way.

Mom insisted that I have a party because it's a big day. I just wanted to sit at home and watch greys anatomy all day long.  But no she just had to call everyone for a party.

I waisted most of the day watching greys anatomy but my mom told me to go to the store and buy a pretty dress, get a new hair cut, get some shoes. Which is currently what I'm doing right now.

I'm in forever 21 looking at all the dresses and when I spot him. Luke, my ex boyfriend. We dated for 2 years until he told me that it was all a joke. I remember that day clearly.


I was curling my hair and putting the finishing touches on my makeup when my phone rang. I jumped to the bed and picked it up.

"Hello sexy." Luke's beautiful voice rang through the receiver.

"Hello Luke!" He laughed causing me to giggle.

"Hey I have something to tell you and it's not gonna be easy." I could hear the nervousness in his tone. Oh gosh he's gonna gonna break up with me.

"Yeah okay go on."

"Well I just wanted to say that your pussy is really tight and this entire relationship was based on that. I never loved you, hell I never even liked you. Your stupid and hideous and you are so gullible. I mean who would have sex with someone they know is a player. Anyways some good friends told me that this had gone long enough and I honestly believe so. Who did you think you are? The good girl that the player will fall for? You thought you could change me? We'll news flash sweetie you can't. I just wanted to say that i completely hate you and so does everyone else. I recorded us doing it the first time and I'm gonna post it on the school wall so everyone can see it. Bye slut." He hung up and my heart shattered. I was crying and my heart was racing a million miles.

                 *flashback over*

The thought of him seeing me here sent chills down my back. I tried my best to sneak upstairs without him noticing and I succeeded. I continued my search for a dress and I finally found one. It was navy blue and was a halter top. It was perfect.

I went to the cash register to pay for it after making sure the coast was clear of any boys that are apart of lukes little gang.

After that I went into a fancy shoe store and got myself a pair of black flats. I'm not really a fan of high heels. I've tried them once and there's no way I would try them again.

I walked out of the store and to the hair salon. I was contemplating on if I wanted to cut my hair off kept it long and make them curl it. I decided to go with the second option.

"What may we do for you Hun?" The guy with black hair that was parted to the side asked me. I looked at his name tag and his name was Carlos.

"Um, can you curl it please?" He nodded his head and lead me to a seat that had a gigantic mirror in front of it. His sparkly nails ran through my hair and asked if I wanted loose waved tight curls or what.

I pulled out my dress and held it up for him. He took it out of my hands and looked at me.

"Do whatever would look good with that dress." He smirked and got a big curling iron and started to do his magic.

"So what's the special occasion?" He let the hair go that was wrapped around the iron and I turned to look at him through the mirror.

"Well it's my eight-tenth birthday!!" I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Well that's really exciting." We stayed silent For the rest of the time he was doing my hair. He ended up doing it in lose waves. I went to the front desk and gave him a twenty dollar bill.

"Thanks for coming we hope to see you again soon." He waved me off and I was making my way to the parking lot.

"Well if It isn't the slut of the year." I took that as my cue to run. I clutched my bags as tight as I could and headed to my car. Not looking back once. I knew he was following me around. I unlocked my car and got in making sure I buckled my seat belt.

On the way home i stopped near a Starbucks and got a small Iced coffee. I need the energy. Once I got home I head straight upstairs getting my bags and setting them on the bed. The party started at 8 and it was currently 6. I have a couple hours how about I finish watching my episode?

I watch greys anatomy until my mom knocks on the door. I groan and pause Netflix and go to open the door.

"Yes mother?" I look at her annoyed because she made me pause it.

"Your birthday may be today missy but there's no reason to give me an attitude." She wagged her perfectly manicured finger in a no motion and walked into my room. She went through my bags and got my flats out of the bag looking at them in disgust.

"What?" I ask she just looks at me disappointed and walks down stairs with them. She opens the trash and throws them in there.

"You are not wearing flats you are wearing heels. Today is your birthday.  You have to wear heels." She goes through the shoe rack in our living room and fishes out some simple black heels and hands them to me. Me and my mom are pretty much the same size. She has super small feet.

I sigh and take them upstairs in my room with me. I lay them on the ground and go to my mirror.  Im not that ugly luke.  I grab my makeup bag and start applying a couple of coats of mascara. That's all I really need to do since I got my eyebrows waxed yesterday. I slipped on a fresh pair of black lace panties and a matching bra. I then slipped on my dress and my shoes to go along with it. I walked over to the body length mirror.  The dress made my boobs look bigger and the part around my stomach was tight so it made my butt look bigger as well.

I made my way downstairs without falling with the heels on. What a relief. 

"Anastasia can you get us some ice we ran out." My dad calls when from the kitchen. I walk into the kitchen and my dad looks at me.

"You look beautiful my dear. Now go get the ice." I roll my eyes and mouth an okay. I grab 5 dollars off the counter.

There's a small mom and pop store a couple blocks from us so I decided to walk. Hopefully I won't fall.

I Walk down the road and kick some rocks with my feet. These shoes are killing my feet. I lift my feet up behind me and take them off one by one.  I saw a small park and decided to cross there.

My feet touch the wet grass and it feels so good. I take a big breath and run across the field.

"Ow" I moaned as I tripped over something and landed on my face. Even without the heels I'm a klutz. I put the heels back on and started walking the rest of the way.

Leaves start to crunch and become louder as someone walks up to me. I froze and slowly turned around when they stopped.

"Hello princess." Was all I heard before I was over someone's back being carried. I screamed and punched the mans back until he put me down.

"Shut the fuck up. Before I gag you." I instantly whimper and be quiet. The mysterious man picks me back up and puts me over his shoulder. He takes me to a black car and we speeds off.

Jesus fucking Christ.

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