Chapter 6: Figure Improvement I

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Practicing the following exercises can help you to alter the shape of the "problem" areas of your body – providing that you persevere. You will need to exercise every day for at least as month in order to see any results.

These exercises are in addition to your general fitness program, not as part of it. Some of them are very strenuous, and you should not attempt them unless you are already fairly fit. Pick out the exercises for the parts of your body that you wish to reshape and work at them daily. You will find that some parts of your body respond more quickly than others. It is relatively easy to flatten your abdomen, but thighs are notoriously slow to change.

And because there are no muscles in your breasts, you can only alter the shape of your bust line by exercising the muscles around your breasts and by working to improve your posture. Don't become disheartened – if you keep exercising, your shape will improve.

Shoulders and Arms

·         Stand upright with your feet hip width apart. Keeping your legs straight, bend from the hips and touch the ground in front of your toes. Without moving the rest of your body, bend your arms so that your fists are tucked into your armpits. Then straighten your arms upward, pushing them as far forward as possible. Hold this position for 5 seconds. Return to the starting position and repeat 10 times.

Stand upright with your feet shoulder width apart. Hold your arms out in front of you at shoulder height, then bend your elbows and place your hands palms together with your fingertips pointing in opposite directions. Keeping your hands at shoulder level, slowly move them as far to the right as possible. The as far to the left as possible, slowly swing from side to side at least 20 times. Alternate which hands in on top from day to day.

Stand upright with your feet shoulder width apart. Stretch your arms out in front of you at shoulder height, palms upward, and fists tightly clenched. Then stretch out your hands hard, spreading your fingers and thumbs as wide as possible. Repeat 20 times, then repeat another 20 times with your hands palms down.

Bust and Posture

·         Stand upright or sit cross-legged on the floor. Grasp your hands behind your back. Pull up with your top hand and pull down with your lower hand. Keep your body upright; do not bend forward or slump. Hold this position for 5 seconds, then reverse your arm positions and repeat. Repeat 10 times, alternating arm positions.

Sit upright on a stool or bench with your feet fat on the ground. Clasp your hands behind your back and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Relax your arms and shoulders. Repeat 15 times. Then stretch your arms out to the sides at shoulder level, clench your hands into fists, and again squeeze your shoulder blades together. Relax your arms and shoulders. Repeat 15 times.

Stand upright with your feet together. Keeping your arms straight, clasp your hands together behind you, push them away from your body, and arch your back. Keeping your arms high, bend forward from the hips, then raise your head as high as possible. Repeat 10 times.

Stand upright, feet hip width apart. Lift your shoulder as high as possible, then, pull them right down and as far back as possible, at the same time lifting your head as high as you can. Repeat slowly 10 times.

Kneel on all fours, keeping your back straight down so that you touch your knee with your forehead. Lift your head and extend and straighten your right leg behind you. Bend your elbows and lower your chest and chin to the floor. Push up until your arms are straight, keeping your right leg extended behind you. Repeat 6 times on each leg.

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