The Parent Trap

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Previously on The Only One:

The memories of the previous night flowed back to my brain ever so slowly. Jess' dad, Terabithia, my parents anniversary, baking, kissing Jess...

"You've been resting 11 hours, Les, what's going on? What happened while we were out last night?"

"Hurry up and get ready, bus will be here in a half hour."

"Jess and Leslie sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" May Belle sang.

"Bus leaves at exactly 8:00AM, Burke, no exceptions next time" he told. "Yes, sorry. I promise I'll never kiss it again."

"I want everyone, for homework, to write a one-page essay on something or someone you love. It can be family, a friend, a place, an object, a pet, anything school appropriate is acceptable for this paper."

"The best way to think about something you love is in a place you love. Find somewhere you love and I'm sure you'll find an idea while you're there."

When I got to the treehouse, or castle I'd prefer to call it, it wasn't empty. I saw Jess' backpack at my feet below the castle.

I decided that I'd go home and come back after dinner to write my composition. Jess would be gone by then and I could have the place to myself. But before I could go, I heard footsteps walking around above on the platform. I tried to make a run for it, but before I could, I turned to look up into the castle. It was too late now.


I stood there, dumbfounded, unprepared with having no time to think of what I might say to Jess at this moment in time. I definitely had no plan in getting caught like that.

I wasn't on earth anymore. I was staring blankly around the setting that was Terabithia, as if I were apart of a dream. My mind shut down as if I were asleep, like this was a nightmare that would all go away in a few minutes.

The only sound I heard was the sound of the wind whistling and blowing the leaves and branches in the trees. Next, I heard what sounded like someone jumping down from somewhere.


It was almost as if I could hear the voice but restrained the ability to actually respond to it.

That is, until a grip was set upon my shoulders and shook my violently back down to earth.

My eyes fixed on the figure in front of me, rather than emptily at nothing interesting in the distance. They grew wide of shock and I gasped a little, not expecting the sudden physical contact.


I looked wide-eyed at my best friend, the same best friend I met at Lark Creek School only weeks ago, the same best friend I had created Terabithia with, the same best friend who gave me beloved Prince Terrien, the same best friend I had kissed, covered in cake batter on my kitchen floor less than 24 hours before.


And finally with another shake of my shoulders, I snapped completely out of it, giving Jess the response he was hopelessly demanding.

"Yeah? Sorry. I-I was.. I--"

Jess pulled my unstable figure up to his chest and wrapped his arms gently around my waist, violently squeezing me.

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