chapter 1

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Hearing a song playing, my mind realizes it is my phone ringing. Still half asleep I’m reaching to my side table blindly for my phone and hit the answer button. “ Hello,” mumbling sleepily. “ Why aren’t you here yet?” asks my mother loudly. Coming fully awake remembering I promised to help her clean an important clients house today. “ I’m so sorry I am on my way.” is my reply.

Jumping out of bed and heading for my closet to find clothes. Pulling on sweat pants and a t-shirt then racing for the bathroom to brush my teeth and comb my hair. I decided to just put my long hair in a haphazard ponytail and put on mascara and chap stick.

Heading for the kitchen I grab a pop tart and juice then look for my keys. Grabbing a jacket I head out the door. There, in the driveway, is my new black mustang that my dad got me for my graduation present . Hopping in I start the car and turn on the heat. When the car is warm enough I head out of my driveway towards the gated community on the other side of town.

Fifteen minutes later pulling to the curb outside of the house. My dream home, but I can only sit and admire it. Feeling like someone is watching me makes me shiver. Exiting my car quickly I head to the kitchen to find my boss. “Hi mom, sorry I’m late,” was my greeting. “ Where should I start?”

“ Take the vacuum and cleaning supplies to the top floor and begin there,” she answered.

Doing as I was told and heading up the stairs calling out “ is anyone here?” only half listening to her response. Entering the main bedroom I see that no one is around . Starting to dust I hear music playing all of a sudden and wonder where it is coming from. It’s from a small room off from the main bedroom. The door was half open, peering in my heart skipped a beat.

There, at a keyboard, sat a guy playing beautiful music. I recognized the words immediately as Korean because I’m taking a Korean language class. Backing away from the door so not to disturb the guy, I tripped over something and made a crying sound as I fell. Wincing, knowing I disturbed the musician because the song stopped. Hearing footsteps, all I could do was groan.

“Are you alright?” was asked in English but I could tell it was not the primary language. Looking up, I just stared wide eyed. The most handsome guy I have ever seen stood before me. He had dark hair, beautiful eyes, and a concerned look on his face. Blushing, I couldn’t help but stutter,” I’m fine, thank you.” Why did I wear my ugliest clothes and not fix my hair I thought to myself. Oh yeah, I was supposed to be cleaning.

Mister Gorgeous reached his hand out towards me to help me up. What do I do I wondered. Having an internal war with myself realizing he was still waiting, so I reached my hand towards his. Raising my head up to look into those amazing eyes he was smiling at me. Feeling myself blushing again I return the smile. “I’m sorry to disturb you,” was all I could think to say because my mind was thinking other things.

With a wink he just wandered back into his little studio.

I had to know who he was, it was like invisible hands pulling me towards him. Feeling tingly all over knowing he was important in my future I wandered to the studio door. Taking a deep breath to calm my racing heart, looking in the room he was staring back at me. Then all of a sudden my “boss” yelled up the stairs asking if everything was ok. Pivoting abruptly, reluctantly got myself back to work. Working myself down the stairs time seemed to pass by to fast


After getting the house all cleaned we left through the side door. My mom thanked me for the help and said she’d see me at home later. Would I ever see him again? Who was he? It all felt like a dream. Maybe my phone really had not gone off yet. Looking over my shoulder and up to the top floor, seeing movement from a window froze me in my place. He was staring at me intently and gave me a small wave. Was he wondering about me too? Did he feel this electricity between us as I did? So many question and no answers.

The next day heading back to foreign language classes at the university I felt so tired from tossing and turning all night thinking about mister gorgeous. My best friends Mia and Cera were waiting for me at our usual spot. Chatting about their day off and guys they noticed I was only half listening. “What is wrong with you?” asked Mia “Why do you look so tired and spacey today?” How do I explain that I’m pretty sure I met my destiny.

Throwing myself into my studies took my mind off of things. Midterm exams were

coming up and we wanted to be the top three students in class. My dream job was to be an interpreter in another country. There are intern jobs we can apply for but only a few are chosen. Cera wanted French countries, Mia wanted Spanish countries and I wanted Asian countries. After classes Mia cornered me in the hall and demanded to know what was up. “Ok Tori spill, what happened to you yesterday?” she demanded. Looking at her innocently, batting my eyes pretending I had no idea what she was talking about. “What do you mean happened?” was my reply.

“You have been acting strangely ever since we saw you this morning.” Cera commented. “I just helped my mom clean a house is all,” I answered looking away. They knew right then more had happened because I was not a good liar. So what to tell them? “ Yesterday at the house we cleaned there was this guy. “I knew it!!!” exclaimed Mia “tell us all about it.”

“He was Korean I think and gorgeous ,“ seeing him in my mind. “Dark hair, beautiful brown eyes, full lips, and he played music. There was a connection I’ve never felt before when our eyes met,” dreamily replying. My friends were sharing looks between themselves that took me a few minutes to register. “ Oh my gosh your in love ,” they squealed together. Impossible! Or was I?

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