{Chapter 3}

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Narrator's POV

A man with a mask looked out his window.

"A new miraculous item showed up..." He murmured to himself. "It will give me the power to heal. AND I WANT IT!!!"

He looked at a picture of his wife and sighed.

"You will be with us again soon..."

The man spun his cane, ready to acumatize anyone who has a negative emotion...


Marinette's POV

I woke from the sound of Tikki's screaming.

"Tikki! Are you ok?!" I looked at my kwami.

"There is a new miraculous! And Hawk Moth is after it!" She said.

"A new miraculous?!" I repeated. "That means there might be a new hero in Paris to help me and Chat noir!"

Tikki shook her head. "I don't think it the new hero is from Paris, but you will meet her soon. I just hope whoever got that miraculous won't do anything bad to it like Hawk Moth..."

Huh? How did Tikki know about those stuff? She must've dreamt about it or something like that.

"Never mind, Marinette. Don't think about it too much." Tikki flew over my shoulder bag, which is now resting on top of my desk. "You have school today. And today is the day that the exchange students will come too. So you better hurry up!"

"You're right." I hurry up and do morning routine stuff. I have to go to school a little early so we can greet the foreign exchange students.

I came to school earlier than I have expected. Alya wasn't even there yet! And she usually comes to school a bit earlier than me.

I sat on the staircase the leads to the second floor of the school. I peeked at my shoulder bag and found Tikki eating a cookie.

"Hey! I'm supposed to give that to an exchange student that I will meet."

Tikki looked up at me and giggled. "Sorry! I just got hungry. You forgot to give me a cookie for breakfast."

I slapped my forehead. "Whoops! I forgot..."

"Forgot what?" A voice said.

I quickly shut my bag and looked up to see who was speaking. I blushed when I saw that it was Adrien.

"Nothing... Uh..." I awkwardly smiled at him, trying to act casually. He must've thought I was talking to myself. How embarrassing!

Adrien sat down next to me, his hand brushed past my shoulders. I bit my lip to stop myself from yelling 'Hooray' or something. Come on, Mari. Calm down...

"Uhhhhhhhh, nice ring!" I say. I want to kick myself. That was so lame!

Adrien quickly hide his ring, as if I noticed something that I was not suppose to notice. "Um....thanks! Err, Nice earrings."

Now it was my turn to be uncomfortable. I try to hide my earrings using my hair.

Does he know I'm ladybug?! Hmmmm, I think not...

(Come on! How come you didn't realize it!)
Realize what, miss author?
(That Chat noir is Adrien- oh! Whoops!)
Huh? What did you say?! I didn't hear it.
(Nothing! Nothing! Just get back to the story...)
Ok! If you say so, miss author. Now, where was I?
(The part where the bus filled with exchange students came...)
Oh! Right...

A loud honk came out from the outside. The exchange students are here.

I stood up and dashed outside, accidentally bumping to a girl carrying a backpack and a book. She dropped her book on the floor.

"Whoops! Sorry!" I exclaim. "Let me pick that up."

"It's ok..." She replied, adjusting her thick glasses.

I gave the book back to the girl. I noticed that she has purple hair with pink streaks.

"Thank you!" She said. "I'm sorry that I bumped into you. I was so wrapped up with the book that I am reading."

I smiled. "That's ok. I think I'm the one who should be sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going."

She beamed back. "I guess we are both guilty then."

I chuckled. "I'm Marinette."

"Twilight Sparkle." She introduced herself. "Cute earrings, BTW."

That's the third time someone noticed my earrings today!

"Thank you! You have a cute crown too." I complimented her back.

"Oh! There you are, darling!" An elegantly-dressed girl with purple hair ran up to us, a pack of more teenage girls behind her.

"We were looking all over for you!" A yellow and red haired girl cried. (Her hair looks like bacon) Noticing me, she said. "Hey there!"

"Um, hey there too." I say.

"I can see that Twily made a new friend, huh?" An energetic girl with curly pink hair jumped up and down excitedly. "I'm Pinkie pie! That one is Rarity." She pointed at the purple haired girl. "Those over there is Fluttershy and Applejack." She pointed at two more girls, one with soft, light pink tresses; and a girl who is wearing a cowboy hat. "And of course! Let's not forget Sunset Shimmer." She looked at bacon hair girl.

"Hey! You forgot to mention me!" A girl with rainbow hair exclaimed.

"Whoops! I forgot!" Pinkie pie giggled.

Rainbow girl rolled her eyes. "Anyways, I'm Rainbow Dash."

"It's really nice to meet you all!" I say. "I'm Marinette."

"Nice to meet you too, Marinette!" They all said at the same time.

"Jinx!" They say all together again!

"Jinx again!"

"Jinx again and again!"

They paused for a moment. Then we all burst out laughing. I was laughing so hard that I started snorting really loud. Which only caused us to laugh even harder.

When we finally calmed down, I gave them a quick tour around the school and introduced them to Alya. After that, I showed them a room where they will be staying while they are here. There are 7 beds which is just enough for all of them.

We all got along so well... This friendship is off to a great start!

A/N: Soooooo, what do you think of this chapter?! I think the first part is kind of crappy, but the middle and the last parts are good (I think) and I had fun writing it. 😊 Till' next chapter!

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