Part 2

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"Good Day to you sir!" Juliet's entrancing voice called out.

The man she called was not having a good day nor was he anywhere near a 'sir' she claimed him to be.

In fact, this man was one of the very people who stole from Mr Wonka himself and Juliet knew this, but seeing as no evidence was ever brought forward, no one could say anything.

Juliet seemed to sense the anger coming from her boss and backed up slightly.

"Er... Are you alright Mr Fickelgruber?" She stammered, uncomfortable with the situation.

She had opened the shop perfectly as usual and most time, the man would even grace her with a greasy smile but today was different.

She hadn't done anything wrong and as most shops, yes even ice cream shops, they sold Willy Wonka's chocolate bars. Perhaps that is the reason the man was temperamental today. He must know about the golden tickets, as everyone by now do.

He grumbled at her, muttering profanities under his breath as he walked to the back room.

Juliet sighed in relief, being in the presence of that man worried her at times.

More kids came in with money she could only dream of and yelled at her to hurry fetching them their chocolate bars.

Going as fast as she could, she gave them the bars but as one child yelled at her again, startling the girl. Her body jerked and the chocolate in her hand slipped and as cruel as fate was, the bar flew and slapped the one who yelled at her's forehead.

Silence echoed throughout the store as the group, including Juliet, watched the chocolate bar slowly slide of the boy's forehead.

As soon as the chocolate hit the ground, the little brat of a boy began fake crying, hard.

Juliet panicked and immediately apologised, trying to explain herself.

Hearing the commotion, Mr Fickelgruber came out from the back and surveyed the situation.

He groaned "Oi! Stop crying brat and get out!" He growled, pointing to the door.

The kids, startled and scared, quickly gathered their chocolate and left.

Juliet was tense as her boss glared at her.

"Sir I-"

"You're fired" he cut off.

Wide eyed, Juliet stammered "W-What? But sir!"

"Leave." He simply waved off her situation and retreated to the back room again.

Juliet's wide eyed shock turned into a frown as she wondered what she would do now, her family was already struggling and her losing her job made matters worse.

She sniffed and rubbed her nose, angry at herself for crying over such a despicable man.

She untied her apron and dropped it to the ground.

Slowly making her way out, she looked back and saw the Wonka chocolate bars.

Thinking to herself, she decided, if she couldn't be happy then perhaps she can make her brother happy today.

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