In Tedious Wits

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As soon as Hoseok wakes up, sharp, stinging sensations simultaneously attack his body. He groans in pain. His wounds feel like they're gnawing his skin. It must have been because of his sleeping position. Ironically, being uncomfortably tied up while sleeping would have been better for him. Aside from this his lips are chapped and his throat is dry. He isn't able to sleep very well so the events last night are still clear to him. He's certain that they happened.

He tries to gather his thoughts one by one. He fell from a cliff. He thought he was dead. He woke up in a strange. This vampire named Yuna ,who first thought of sucking his blood, made a deal with him—that she'd let him escape when his friends find him and he must keep quiet in return. And for some reason he agreed.

The door opens out of nowhere. Yuna who is already dressed up in casual clothes comes in with bandages and medicines.

"Oh, you're awake." she comments. She had planned to treat his wounds while he's asleep. Nevertheless, she walks closer and sits on the bed beside him.

Hoseok rubs his heavy eyes and sees the things on her hands. "What's with the bandages?" he absentmindedly asks.

After putting down the first aid, "Let me see your wounds." she orders.

Hoseok looks at her, full of confusion in his face. "What?" he says in a hoarse voice and points at her.

"What what?" Yuna frowns.

Hoseok shrugs. "Nothing." he says and removes his shirt.

Yuna gently applies the ointment in a small wound in his arm and wraps it with bandage afterwards. As Hoseok watches in awe, he asks. "How did you know how to do this?"

"It's an inborn skill. At least that's what my father said." she answers, still immersed in what she's doing.

Hoseok purses his lips. He finds it ironic that this woman in front of him is treating his wound when she just attempted to kill him last night. Not to mention that she's a vampire who is originally the one who causes wounds. But then again the things that have been happening to him are already absurd so he must learn how to be used to them.

Yuna proceeds to the wounds in his upper body. There are three of them in total, all of which cover a large area and are a bit deep. Fortunately, there are no splinters that would have caused infection. She applies the ointment onto each wound starting with the one on his left waist.

Hoseok suddenly yelps at the contact of the substance in his skin. "Ow!" he yelps. It stings and hurts a lot.

Yuna flinches. She tries to apply another layer, ignoring his earlier response and receives the same reaction. She frowns yet again. She won't be able to finish if he keeps reacting like that.

"Your hand. Too much pressure." he says.

"Oh." She hadn't done this in a while. She must have forgotten that she needs to be gentle especially with open wounds. She lessens the pressure in applying the ointment and he doesn't respond anymore. After repeating the same process to the rest of the wounds, she wraps his abdomen with the bandage.

She pats his shoulder "There."

"Thanks." he says and puts his shirt back on.

"Don't thank me. I did not do it for you." she says and stands up, carrying the first aid in her hands.

"When I say thanks, you say 'you're welcome'." he blatantly says but she ignores him.

As she approaches the door she turns back and says "Your lips are disgusting. Go get some water at the kitchen."

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