In Each Other

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Yuna is not fond of dirty necks. She prefers the smooth and clean ones especially those with no tattoos. Every servant in her mansion knows this fact. However, they can't understand why she's being picky when the physical appearance of necks doesn't determine the taste of the blood. Sometimes a very clean neck might taste awful and a dirty neck, divine. But Yuna doesn't care. Every human that is being brought to her must have a clean neck and her servants won't be beaten. That's it.

Another man has been brought to her tonight for dinner, and as usual she examines him first. He's thin, but surprisingly muscular. And of course his neck his clean, not a single mark whatsoever. The man has a confused look on his face, quite different from the norm. Normally they'll have this anticipating look on their faces because they're thinking that they're in some kind of an s and m setup. Obviously they're perverts—the easiest targets. But this man in front of her doesn't look like a voyeur. She wonders how were they able to catch him, then she thinks that perhaps he's the dumb virgin type.

"Sorry, he was the only one we managed to find for the day." her servant tells her.

"It's fine. You can leave now." And both of them are alone in the room.

Without any word, she caresses his face from the cheekbones down to his jaw line. She then leans in close to his neck, about to bite him and drink all of his blood.

Hoseok quickly avoids her and finally speaks up. "What are you doing?" he asks, shocked. "What are you?"

Yuna smirks. "I thought you weren't going to speak until I suck every ounce of blood inside you." she says. She thought he is going to be cooperative 'till the end.

Hoseok furrows his brows. "What do you mean?" With blood being mentioned, it confirms that he's really alive. For now, that is. It looks like this woman in front of him is about to devour him.

Yuna just realizes that with the exception of his face, the rest of his body is gravely filthy. She decides to ask him out of curiosity, "Wait, what happened to your clothes?", ignoring his former question.

Hoseok sighs as he answers, "I don't know." despite knowing he fell. She wouldn't care anyway.

Yuna crosses her arms and begins to think. Her servants are not allowed to bring in men through violence. Is he perhaps tortured then hypnotized? She looks at his waist and arms. There are wounds, but clearly not by fingernails nor fangs. But then it doesn't mean he isn't tortured in other ways. What happened to this man before he came here?

"You don't remember anything?"she asks once more.

Hoseok wonders why she becomes like this all of a sudden. But he answers anyway, "Well, if you're that concerned, I fell from a cliff. And when I woke up, I'm already here."

Right after he answers Yuna storms outside the room. He didn't see her expression but based on her gesture she must be angry. He wonders why.

5 years ago when she became the head of the mansion, she declared that her servants must only bring men that have been seduced. Not by violence, nor by threat.

This was to divert attention from them. Witnesses of their crimes have quite grown in number but they just don't have much evidence to prove that they're guilty. Aside from this, other people (especially men) won't believe them because they think they're 'too beautiful to kill'.

And so to prevent witnesses to even rise up in number, Yuna thought of using their beauty instead of violence in order to lure in humans to their mansion. Rumors about them have toned down ever since.

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