Chapter 4

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When I got home, I was careful not to make any noise. My dad was passed out on the couch again. I knew that was a bad idea. I can't believe I just did that. The freakin government is coming and it's my fault. They're going to kill me.

I crept into my bedroom. Finally able to collapse into my bed and fall asleep. I sat there for 8 minutes when my alarm rang. Fuck. It's time to wake up. I pulled myself up even though I didn't want to. I knew if I didn't make breakfast, I would just get another beating.

I walked quietly to the kitchen and made them both some oatmeal and left it on the table. I'm always being quiet. But I feel like I'm walking on eggshells. I went into the bathroom and took a shower.

I let the warm water wash away the makeup I forgot to take off and relax my muscles. As soon as I got out, I threw on some heavy clothes to cover up the bruising. A sweater and a pair of jeans. I raked my hands through my wet hair. I was too tired to care.

I looked at my watch. Crap I was supposed to wake up Anna 20 minutes ago. I walked to her room quickly and pulled her out of bed. "Hurry. You're late." Then I walked out to the hallway and back to put away the dishes.

Both of my parents were gone. That was normal. As I did the dishes, I thought to myself I wonder when CPS is gonna come. And when they do, what they're gonna find. After I did the dishes I walked to my room and collapsed for a well-needed nap.


I woke to the sound of the doorbell ringing. I groaned and rubbed my eyes as I walked to the front door. When u opened it, it was a man. Dressed in a black suit. "I'm Mr. Sanchez. CPS. I'm here to examine the house." He told me. Then he shoved his way in.

He took off his sunglasses and studied me. I'm not wearing makeup. "I fell down the stairs." I calmly explained. He walked to the living room and noticed the empty beer bottles by the couch. "Where are your parents?" He asked.

I thought quickly. "They're at the drug store. Buying me advil. You know... 'cause I fell down the stairs." I hope he bought that. He looked me over once more and answered "Alright. I'll come back tomorrow. If your parents aren't here, I will forcibly remove you from this home." Then he replaced his sunglasses and walked out.

What have I done?

Sorry for any grammer or spelling errors. Thanks for reading.

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