Touch To Start

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She'd pulled out her phone.

Logged onto the wireless fidelity they'd stolen.

Keyed in her passcode.

And waited.

And waited.

Then beep.

Cynthia punched the air in triumph: she was in!

Scrolling through the options menu that had popped up on the screen she began the long, strenuous task of hacking into her own security system. As she worked she thought about what the e-mail had implied. Could it be true? Or was life screwing with her again? If it was, then how was she going to find them? What if there were only one left? She didn't want to be alone again. Not after the last 15 years of her existence.


Cynthia suddenly became aware that it perhaps shouldn't have been that easy to get into the system. She'd help construct their system.

Carefully she typed in the code, waited for the shriek that indicated she was in, and pulled the revolver out of her hoodie jacket...

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