Carry Me Home(4)

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I wondered if I should’ve taken the ticket and went home to Rayne. I missed her so dearly, but that wasn’t a new thing anymore. My heart was getting used to that empty feeling it had. I was getting used to falling asleep every night alone in this small bed. I was getting used to it all...

A girl walks with jet back hair and brown eyes walks in my bedroom. She was dressed normally, she didn’t look old enough to be in the army yet again I could be wrong. She stares at me not saying a word.

"Your Connor correct?" She asked me leaning against the wall.

I nodded, Why was she doing here? She examines my plain room , it wasn’t nothing special the walls were white, a door on the side that led to the bathroom, and two small beds. One was mine and the other one Dylan's.

"You know my dad hardly gives people tickets to go back home. Instead of taking it you gave it away. Why?" She questioned me, sitting down next to the other bed.

"Dylan needed it more than I do," I simply said, following my gaze with hers.

She was pretty I'll admit. She was pale and average height. She had curves that went extremely good on her. She kind of reminded me of Rayne.

"Well you passed," She told me, smiling.

I was confused. What did she mean I passed. "Excuse me?"

She rolls her eyes. "You passed. You passed my dad's test. You thought of someone else before yourself. That's a true solider. Because of that my dad is moving you away from here," She informed me.

I chuckled. The old man gave me a test without even telling me. Who would of thought that? He wasn’t as sour as i thought he was. Well, he wasn’t a bad man at all. He treated me with respect the same way I treated him. I would have to thank him later.

So now where was I going to be moved at? I needed to inform Rayne so she wouldn’t be stressing about me. The girl gets up and stands over me.

"Im Stacy by the way," She introduced herself extending her hand out to me. I took and shook it, Her hand felt like Rayne’s, soft and warm.

Stacy picks up my chin. "You should get packing you don’t want to keep waiting Dylan and my dad," She told me stepping out the door.

I shot straight up, did i hear right? Did she just say Dylan was here? Stacy smirked at me before she turned to exit. "Hurry up Connor we don’t have all day,"


Greg stared at me speechless as I told him the entire story. I wiped away the last few tears that were rolling down my cheeks. My chest felt lighter and it wasn’t so hard to breathe anymore. I must have built a wall that I used to stuff all my feelings into and hoped that soon enough they would’ve disappeared but it didn’t happen.

"Wow, Rayne I'm not sure what to tell you," He finally spoke out.

"I mean you have all the right to cry your heart out. It must be so tough," He responded.

"You have no idea," I whispered sipping some of my coffee. Greg touches my hand again causing a tingling sensation to go down my spine.

His blue eyes stared at me. "I’m here for you Rayne. Whenever you need me just call me and Ill run for your rescue," He informed me.

I tried to remember a time when Greg and I were close. He was always the one who would pick me up from the ground when no one else would. Greg was my back bone and I had forgotten all about him. One day Connor comes along and Greg leaves. Connor was another Greg. They were both my back bone and without neither of them I would be nothing.

Carry Me HomeWhere stories live. Discover now