Chapter 2

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I took deep breaths as I ran a hand through my hair, pacing as Daryl kept screaming "No!"

I took one more glance over to the bloody handcuffs and Merle's severed hand before I fell to the ground, sobbing into my hands.

I was sitting on my feet, just letting tears free fall into my hands.

Soon Daryl stopped yelling, and I looked up to see him pointing his crossbow at T-Dog, and I heard a click and saw Rick pointing a gun at my brother- dumb ass.

"If you pull that trigger I will not hesitate, even if every walker for miles hears it." he threatened, and everyone was too wrapped up in that to realize I was now pointing my bow at Rick. "Neither will I, jackass."

Daryl had caused a chain reaction- he pointed his crossbow at T-Dog, Rick pointed a gun at him, and I pointed an arrow at Rick.

Daryl was the first to reluctantly drop his crossbow, then Rick, then me.

"You know, mom, I don't need you stickin' up for me.." Daryl muttered.

I scoffed, putting a hand on my hip. "Oh my god Daryl, that's bull."

He took a step toward me. "You callin' me weak?"

I stomped toward him. "If the boot fits.."

"Alright now, nobody's weak." Rick stepped in.

"Why don't you mind your own damn buissness?" I snapped.

"Yeah, stay out of it, sheriff." Daryl glared at him.

"Guys, come on we don't need fighting here. can't we all just get along for two minutes?" Glenn pleaded.

Daryl held his glare on me for a few seconds before puffing out a breath. "Fine."

He turned to T-Dog. "You got a hankie or somethin'?"

He handed Daryl a blue hankie and Daryl walked over to the hand, inspected it, muttering how gross it was or something, then wrapped it in the hankie and walked over to Glenn, stuffing it in his backpack.


Now we were in the building, mapping out a plan.

We had followed a trail of dripping blood down to a room where there was a broken window.

"Even though I don't like you much, I have to agree, you ain't doin' this alone." Daryl said.

"I have to- look, if I'm with a group, it'll be slow and clumsy. But if I go alone, I'm fast."

We went back and fourth a bit before finally settling on a plan.

Me, Glenn, and Daryl would go down to the alley with the gates.

Glenn would run out, get the bag of guns that Rick had dropped a couple days ago, then run back.

T-Dog and Rick were set up two blocks away, waiting to back us up if we needed it.

Then, we would all meet back in the building.

I followed Glenn and Daryl carefully down the alleyway before we hid behind a dumpster.

"You know," Daryl started. "You've got some balls for a chinaman."

"I'm Korean," Glenn said before approaching the gate.

"Whatever." Daryl scoffed as Glenn ran out.

As we waited, I heard a voice behind me.

"Are you the guy?"

I looked up to see a maybe seventeen-year-old boy in a white tank-top looking at Daryl.

We immediately aimed our bows at the boy.

"We're just lookin' for our brother." Daryl said.

But the boy just kept shouting "Are you the guy?! Are you the guy?!" and Daryl kept retaliating, "I'm just looking for my brother! I'm just looking for my brother!"

Then, Glenn came back.

"Whoa, guys what's going-"

Suddenly two large men came running down the alley and started beating Daryl.

"Hey!" I screamed, shooting at them.

Lots of my shots were messy, and they just hit the concrete and ricocheted onto the ground.

Eventually I threw myself at them, pounding my fist on their backs shouting, "Stop it! Stop it!"

I frowned upon myself as I was supposed to be a skilled walker assassin, instead I was just banging my fists on two brick walls.

Suddenly we heard T-Dog and Rick coming, and before I knew it, I was screaming into a hand and being dragged into a car.

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