Chapter 11

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Zack and I walked back mostly in silence, giving me plenty of time to think about how stupid of an idea this was. How was I supposed to even get him inside without my parents noticing? Where would he sleep? And what if my parents found out? They'd probably kick both of us out. Well, I couldn't take my offer back now. I'd just have to hope nothing bad happened.

"Wait here." I whispered as I opened the back fence. I pulled an old ladder my dad used once to cut down an overgrown tree over to the side of the house with my window, then walked back to Zack. After showing him the ladder, I went in the front door and walked up the stairs casually, but fast.

"How was your day, honey?" I heard my mom call from the kitchen. "You're home awfully late."

"It was fine, mom. I just got stuck at a lot of crosswalks on the way back. Sorry." I called as I made it up the last few steps. Once I stepped inside my room I made sure to lock the door. Feeling safer now, I reached over to my window and slid it open quietly. I motioned to Zack to climb up. He got in pretty easily, but the whole time my heart was beating extremely fast. Nothing about this situation was good.

"Are you sure this is okay?" he whispered quietly as possible. He obviously knew I didn't want my parents to find out about this.

"Totally fine" I whispered back, trying to hide the nerves in my voice. "Wait here and I'll grab you a towel and some dry clothes." I left before he could reply. In less than a minute I had gotten a towel and snagged some of my dad's old clothes for Zack. I opened the door slightly, tossed them inside, and closed the door again. I went downstairs again to get some food.

"So, Lilita, anything new happen today?" my mom asks me once I walk in the kitchen. Oh, not much, I just brought a mysterious, homeless, teenage boy who was sleeping in the park home cause he was getting drenched. Nothing interesting. I thought.

"Not much." I shrugged. "Just regular, boring old school."

"Same as always." my mom smiled and shook her head at me.

I grabbed a few snacks for Zack, he was probably starving. Me, not so much. The nerves of this whole situation and my mom's last question really ruined my appetite. Once I got upstairs I knocked quietly on my door. "You okay?" I said quietly.

"Yeah. Come in." he replied.

I opened the door, then instantly shut it behind me. My dad's old clothes hung losely off of his body. Not suprising, knowing how much bigger my dad is. "Here, eat this." I handed him the snacks. He sat down in my desk chair and began scarfing the food down. I wonder when the last time he ate was...

"Thanks." he said inbetween bites of food.

"Sure." I pushed his wet clothes into a corner in my closet so hopefully no one would find them. Then I made him face the other way as I stepped inside my closet to change out of my damp clothes. Finally, I set a few blankets out for him on the floor, turned out the light, and flopped onto my bed.

I spent a long time lying there in silence, not able to sleep. This whole situation was more than a little uncomfortable. I'd never really talked to guys before I met Zack, let alone let one stay in my own room. It must not have bothered Zack though, because he fell asleep almost instantly. I could tell by his soft, gentle breathing. I don't blame him though. Even the floor is a better sleeping place then some cold, hard bench in the pouring rain and eerie darkness that covered the park at night. Thinking about it made me shiver. I wonder how long he had to live like that. It must be terribly lonely... Maybe that's why he's been so desperate to be my friend? Only goes to show how different people can be on the inside. I never would have guessed he was homeless if I hadn't seen him tonight. I'm glad I did though. Nobody deserves to be out on the streets like that. Where was his family? Shouldn't he have someone to live with? One thing was for sure about him; I had way more questions than answers. He sure is mysterious. But, you know, I think I can consider him a friend at this point. Feeling a little bit more relaxed about this whole situation, I let Zack's gentle breathing lull me to sleep.

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