{6} Supplies

14 0 0

"Ok, where the hell are we going?" Floor asked as he opened his car door.

"Creepy crate, step on it, I'll explain later" I told him.

He shrugged and put his key into the ignition. "Ok, I trust you."

I laughed. "That's scary."


We drove to the creepy crate, stopping at the edge of the forest. "Now, how are we going to do this?" Floor asked. 

"We run for dear life and if we get attacked, help" I said to him, getting out of the car. "And don't attract attention."

He nodded and got out of the car. "Take my hand" he said. 

I smiled and took his hand in mine. He didn't want to lose me, and I didn't want to lose him.

We ran about half a mile, not stopping for anything. We knew the woods well, every tree and stump on the ground, all leading to the creepy crate. The place we went to almost each day for 5 years.

We didn't stop running until we saw the treehouse in the distance. We looked up the ladder and climbed. "Anyone here?" I asked as I was halfway up the ladder.

"Are you a zombie?" I heard Ryder say. 

"Not really" Floor said behind me. 

"Ok, come up."

I climbed up the little hole into the creepy crate, looking at everything in the tree house. Ryder was getting our backpacks full of food from the fridge, Zoey was putting water and soda in hers, Tyler was trying to get the word out to our family about the so called "apocalypse."

"Get the zombie kit from the floor board" I said to Floor. He nodded and did what he was told. 

I started pacing around, trying to think of everything we need. Food, water, tight clothes, scissors!

I went over to a drawer and pulled out scissors, time for some hair cuts. 

"Zoey" I said. I walked over to her. She was trying to close the zipper to her bag, it was so full she couldn't. "Yea?" She asked, looking up at me.

"I need to cut your hair" I said. "What? Why?" She asked. She loved her hair, it was long and her favorite thing about herself, but she knew why I had to cut it. 

"It's ok Zoey, it'll grow back" I said, taking the ponytail out of my own hair. She nodded and turned around. 

I put her hair into a ponytail, god it was thick. "Any last words?" I asked her. 

"Just do it" She ordered. I pulled the scissors up to the ponytail, trying to cut through it. Zoey kept flinching, this was going to be a bad haircut. 

"Stop moving" I told her, and she quickly did. 

About 5 minutes later, I finished. "Introducing your new pixie cut!" I said. She felt the back of her head and gasped. "It's....it feels weird" she finally said. 

"Yea well now I get one to, her ya go" I said, handing her the scissors. 

And listened to my hair get cut away. 


{Ok! I know I haven't updated! Iv'e had writers block. I also need advice. The "hottest" guy in school asked me out and I don't know what to say back to him! He said he liked me because I'm weird, cute, and he thinks it's funny when I blush. Then laughed because I blushed! I told him I would get back to him, then posted on all my social media asking for advice. Yes, I know, pathetic.}

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2016 ⏰

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