Dreams Can be Haunting

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(A/N): Smut and violence warning, sit back and enjoy the ride.

Tears streamed down my face, I could feel my face becoming disgustingly red.

"Hey hey now, don't cry sweetheart, everything will be okay, I promise," his voice flowed out softly, like it used to. His big hands cupped my face carefully as to not brake me, like I was a fragile doll that would shatter at the slightest of touches.

"B-Beck!" I blubbered and took his hands in mine, "Why? Why is this all happening? I miss you so much, please stay here."

"Cho, I-I miss you too," he stammered. His face loomed closely to mine and right about as our lips were about to connect, he shifted his lips up to my ear.

"There's no escape from me now Cho, you hear? You're mine and only mine, the sooner you get that through your head the better off you'll be." Ryuki's voice suddenly penetrated my ear and he bit down hard on my neck. I screamed in pain and looked up at where Beck had once stood. He was now replaced with Ryu, my new boyfriend. All at once Ryu disappeared and I was left on my knees, clutching my neck in pain.

"Beck! Beck!" I cried helplessly. I wanted him to kiss me and tell me everything would be okay, I needed him to keep me sane and safe.

"No more Beck for you," Ryu's voice ghosted across my being and into my ear, "only you and I. Forever."


"Gahh!" I sat up with my eyes open and looked around. No traces of either of them in my room. I took my hand through my hair, I had only been dating Ryu for a couple of hours and today was our first day as a couple in school. I shook my head to get the horrible dream out of my head, surely I was just over-reacting, everything would run smoothly and I'd make Beck jealous and then we'd date again.


Beck's P.O.V.

I arrived to school and much to my discontent Ryu and Cho we're holding hands. They had to have started dating and the realisation made my fists clench in anger. I turned my head and decided to join Brooke while we waited for the bell to ring so that we could go into school. I saw a sight I wasn't expecting, Kya and Rirī stood over by her. Rirī was holding onto a boy that was probably a grade below me with gray hair and glasses. I walked over and Brooke's eyes lit up.

"Beck! Look who showed up today!" she gushed and her sparkly eyes shot straight to Kya. I smiled a little and looked over at Rirī and the boy he was holding onto.

"Hey guys, Rirī it's your first day and you already picked yourself up a man?" I teased.

Both of their cheeks flared and the gray haired boy sputtered out, "N-no! He's hurt so I'm helping to keep the weight off of his injured ankle!"

He sounded hilariously defensive so I left the matter alone.

"Hey don't worry, just giving you a hard time, no biggie," I assured and he seemed to calm down a little bit, letting Rirī relax back into him.

"Beck dude I missed you!" Rirī said and held out an arm. I obliged and gave him a hug, watching his "friend" tense up and glare at me.

I pulled away and said, "I missed you too little bro, good to see you've got people looking after your clumsy self."

The boy supporting Rirī let off when he finally understood I was Rirī's older brother and blushed at the compliment.

"Yeah Kuma's pretty cool if I do say so myself," Rirī agreed.

"Well it's nice to meet you Kuma, though you'll understand if I keep an eye on you, can't have my little brother around a bad influence," I concluded and shook his hand. I was much taller than him, to the point that it was almost comical.

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