Is This Home?

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Hey guys, I figured that you might need a break from all of the drama going on in Beck's life, so here's what's going on in Rirī's life. (thank my squish Nat for the cute location of Rirī's house she's so smart and great). Also I'm gonna make a part 2 with how Cho and Beck's morning/day is going with their first day of one of them being in a relationship that wasn't with the other.

Rirī's P.O.V.

I stepped around the old house that was vaguely familiar. The old hallways welcomed me in, but some rooms repulsed me for some unknown reason. I kicked an old you car that sat on the floor and the rolling of the wheels brought me back to when I was younger. I suddenly remembered where I was standing. The living room from when I was younger, the cars rolling around, Kya and I's shrieks of laughter echoing through the family, the TV we ignored for the most part, except for family movie night, which I wasn't allowed to partake in in the beginning, but I wriggled my way into the family eventually. I did accidentally make someone leave the family though, Kya's mom. She was beautiful, her red hair was vibrant and her rich brown eyes blazed with life and energy. Her freckles sprinkled across her face and highlighted her defined cheekbones. The only thing Kya seemed to inherit from her was his freckles and her temper. I stepped around to her old bedroom she shared with Dad. I shivered and stepped back. I remember hearing the screaming and yelling, the smacks, the sobbing.

"There you are!" Kya yelled from down the hall, making me jump.

"Oh hey," I said a bit shakily.

"You okay dude? I think Dad said he needed help unpacking and I could use your help lifting all of his crap out of the trunk." he said, seemingly unaffected by anything that had previously occurred here, the abuse and the hurt.

"Yeah, no problem."


Kyasurīn's P.O.V.

My heart beat rapidly as soon as I had stepped in the doorway, as soon as we had pulled into the neighborhood. My old house that used to be a home before my mother had ruined it. My breathing became quicker the longer I stayed in the haunting place. I could tell that Rirī was being negatively affected too, I caught him spacing out a lot, remembering everything. Dad seemed perfectly comfortable, which was nice to some degree I supposed. He had no problem staying in the same bedroom my mother had beat me senseless in. Keeping his clothes in the closet, the closet I spent a lot of my childhood in for "keeping secrets from Mommy" about Daddy cheating. My breathing almost got out of control when I sat in my bedroom and I was remembering the handmarks that were left on my pale innocent skin. My scars itched. I pulled out my phone before it got too unbearable. I punched in her number and hit talk.

"Hello? Kya?" her sweet voice danced out of the phone.

"Br-Brooke I, uh hello," I stammered. I wasn't exactly in the prime condition for small talk.

"Kya are you okay? You sound scared what's wrong?" her tiny voice sounded strong and determined to help.

"I'm, my dad, he uh, you know how he moved?" my efforts for coming off calm, cool, and, collected were failing miserably.

"Yeah, what about it, Kya are you safe? Do I need to come get you?" Brooke couldn't hide her concern and it was adorable.

"I'm safe honey, don't get your panties in a ruffle," she giggled and I felt myself relax a little, "well he moved into my wonderful childhood house. The one that my mom lived in with us."

"Oh my gosh no," she said, making me laugh a little.

"Yeah, and I just needed to hear your sweet little voice to calm me down," I said, I could imagine the pretty red fluttering across her pretty cheeks.

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