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"Where are we going?" I laugh, letting her drag me along, away from the party. She pulls her long dress up further to try and keep the dirt from coating it.

"I want to give you your present. I wanted it to be a bit more private though." I look at her suggestively, pulling her hips against mine. Her head tips back in laughter as she slaps my chest lightly.

"Not that!" My smirk fades into a content smile as I look at her beautiful face.

"Okay love. What is it?"

She smiles even wider, her face pure joy as it has been since I first saw her at the beginning of the evening.

She grabs my hand and lays it flat against her satin-covered stomach, whispering for me to listen. I strain my supernatural hearing and through the silence of the night I can hear the steady thumping of a small heartbeat.

My eyes shoot up to hers and she nods, answering my unasked question of confirmation.

"I'm pregnant. And you're going to be here every step of the way."

"How far along are you?"

She cringes slightly. "I'm 19 weeks and didn't figure it out until 3 days ago."

Why does she look guilty? Is that bad? Apparently she saw the 'deer in headlights' look on my face because she explained that that means she is already halfway through her pregnancy.

"I haven't had morning sickness or cravings or even a baby bump. I think my body is a little over prepared after beating twins," she laughs.

"But our baby is healthy?"

"Very much so," she smiles a 'I know more than you' smile again. "Do you want to know the gender?"

I nod enthusiastically. Please be a boy. I already will be fighting off boys from Gabby and Eve. I don't know how many more annoying boyfriends I can take!

"How would you feel about a third daughter?"

"Really? Damn I'm going to have no back up when the twins start liking boys. They will be coming from all sides!" She cuts me off by laughing again.

"He's a boy, Duke. We're having a baby boy."

I breathed a sigh of relief. I would have loved a third daughter just the same, but I really will be needing some help with those flawless angels that call me dad.

I kissed her lips, loving her gift to me.

"I love you," she promises.

"Come on. Let's get back to our wedding reception Mrs. Harris. Our guests must be missing us."

She nods and once again gathers her white gown into her hand before grabbing my hand in her free hand.

I roll my eyes as she frets over the dress some more and eventually scoop her up in my arms. She grins, seemingly pleased that she didn't have to walk on uneven dirt in her 4 inch heels anymore.

"And by the way. I love you Samantha Harris. You're my one and only." She kisses me, making me stop walking so I don't end up tripping and the ping he on accident.

"Our daughters await us," she finally whispers, indicating for me to walk again. I laugh at her demands but comply anyway and as we reach the canopy where all the decorations are, our daughters run over and cling to my legs until I set Sam back down. We each lift a twin into our outside hip and then I put my arm around her waist, leading her back to our head table.

My growing family was more than I could have asked for. My three year old daughters resemble Sam more and more everyday despite their blond hair and I can't help imagining how our son will look.

In the end, it didn't matter. He'd be ours no matter what. Our family was all I ever needed and I was perfectly happy with that.

As I looked at my mate balancing both our daughters on her lap in front of her tummy that bore our latest child, I knew she was just as satisfied with our life as I was. That was all I could ever ask for.   

I BROKE HER. SHE SAVED ME.Where stories live. Discover now