Chapter 9

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Jorel appeared in the doorway to Matt's apartment, Vanessa apparently hanging around the corner.

"Kurly Fry!" J shouted, "come on, we're gonna be late for Chinese food at Scene's."

"Coming!" Matt shot back, deciding to scrap his plan of brushing his curls, and instead just tying it up into a man-bun and stuffing it inside a beanie hat. The man rounded the corner out of his lounge and pulled the door shut behind him, whipping his keys out of the lock as he did so.

"Jesus, you took your time to answer." Vanessa scoffed, leading her boyfriend towards the front door, Matt in tow.

"Yeah, life's been..." he paused to think of the right phrasing, "odd."

"You can say that again," Jorel sighed, "we've had Dylan crashing on our couch for the past three days."

"Shit, how come?" Matt asked, the three of them clambering into a beat-up Subaru.

"Things kind of fell apart between him and Danny," Vanessa explained, "his apartment above the Casa is still being repaired, so he's got nowhere to live."

"And Danny just...kicked him out?" Matt wondered aloud, doubtful that the action fit his friend's personality.

"No, nothing like that," Jorel defended his ex, "no, they parted on good terms, but I think Dylan'd just rather not live in his ex-boyfriend apartment whilst said ex-boyfriend is still also living there."

Matt nodded, pretending to be able to relate to the experience.

"Oh, shit, I almost forgot!" Matt exclaimed, "we need to pick someone up."

"Erica?" Vanessa murmured tentatively.

"No, oh God no," Matt shuddered, "no, a girl called Saint. She lives around here somewhere..."

Matt trailed off as he looked through his address book for Saint's contact details.

"Aha! Okay, it's just around this corner..."

After several minutes of Matt failing to give directions, the Subaru pulled up outside a run-down apartment building. The hairdresser got out and pressed the intercom for Saint's apartment.

"Just on my way down now!" Her voice chirped through the speaker.

The girl stepped through the doorway to the building, dressed in a Black Sabbath t-shirt and torn black skinny jeans. Her hair was almost as pristine as Matt had left it.

"Matt! Hi!" She sang, standing awkwardly in front of the man, unsure of whether or not to hug him.

"Hey, Saint," Matt smiled, leading her over to the car, "these are my buds, Jorel and Vanessa. This is Saint."

The three exchanged 'hellos', and Saint clambered into the backseat with Kurlzz.

"So, where are we going?" Saint asked, her English accent puncturing all her speech.

"Well, y'know that couple that were eating in Casa that time you tried to go there?" he asked, to which Saint nodded, "well, I just so happen to know them."

"Bollocks," Saint laughed, earning a smirk from Jorel, "I heard it was some celeb in there."

"Yeah, Charlie Scene." Jorel told her, to which she nodded.

"Yeah, him!" she smiled, "oh, I'm such a big fan of his, and I was so happy when he came out with his boyfriend...oh, what was his name?"

"George." Vanessa chuckled, glancing at her partner as the newcomer failed to connect the dots.

"Yes, exactly, George," she sighed, "oh, they're so cute, I just wanna smush their little faces together an-" she cut herself off as the car sailed through the Hollywood Hills, "where are we going?"

"To see Scene and George." Matt explained pointedly.

"Fuck off," she gasped, wide-eyed and clearly overjoyed, "no, don't bullshit me, where are we actually going?"

"We're gonna go have Chinese food..." Matt murmured, unsure as to why Saint wasn't believing him ,"with George and his husband, Charlie Scene."

"You're telling me..." Saint composed herself briefly, "that I am about to meet the Charlie Scene? Held the Number One spot in the charts for a full thirteen weeks? That Charlie Scene?"

"Yes." Matt concluded as the car stopped in a parking structure, the two in the front getting out laughing.

"Holy shit," Saint began to hyperventilate, "I would've dressed up more if I'd known..."

"Relax," Jorel laughed, helping the girl out of the cramped back, "he's probably still in his pyjamas anyway. When he's not touring he's kind of a slob."

Saint nodded, the words comforting her slightly. She was still hyperventilating, but now she was more comfortable about the fact.

The four padded over to the elevator up to the Ragan-Terrell residence, with Saint busily checking her makeup in the mirrored wall, Matt awkwardly standing next to Jorel and Vanessa as they did their cutesy-couple crap. A soft ding rang out, and the four stepped into the men's apartment, where Dylan and Danny were already sitting eating ice cream.

"I'm actually in Charlie Scene's apartment." Saint whispered excitedly to Matt, who was beginning to see the funny side of the incredulous expression that was seemingly permanently plastered across her face.

"Yes, you are." Matt whispered back, before hopping over the back of an armchair and booting up the Xbox.

"One v one me." Dylan challenged, picking up a controller and sitting across from the asexual.

Saint stared intently at Danny's face, trying to remember where she'd seen it from before.

"Hey, um, Vanessa," she murmured to the woman, who was searching the kitchen desperately for a bottle of wine, "who's the guy eating Baked Alaska Ben & Jerry's straight from the tub?"

"That's Danny," Vanessa murmured back, before raising her voice, "hey! Danny! Get over here!"

The stripper obliged, and Saint could recognise his walk, infuriating her more.

"Okay, I'm sorry," she sighed, "I can't shake the feeling I've seen you before somewhere."

Danny blushed slightly, before pulling out his wallet and tucking a dollar between his teeth.

"Does this refresh your memory?" He gurgled from behind the note, at which point Saint burst out laughing.

"Oh my god, Rose!" She pulled the man into a tight hug, patting him on the back.

"Small world." Danny chuckled as the girl let him go.

"Right, who wants what?"

Saint turned to see Charlie Scene, clad in a unicorn onesie, clutching a phone and a Chinese menu. Vanessa was about to hand her a glass of wine, when she fainted. Jordon glanced down at her worriedly.

"Did I say something wrong?" He smirked nervously.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2017 ⏰

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