Chapter 18: Cold Hearted

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Updating finally! Chapter 18 is here so enjoy because I made it extra long for you guys since you've had to wait for so long, sorry!

Warnings: f bombs!

Emily's face morphed into fear within seconds, if she could kill Stefan what would stop her from killing Damon, the man who raised her, the man she loved.

"Dad..." she whispered, truth be told she hated him but in the end of the day he was still her father, a tear slid down her cheek and she wiped it away immediately.

"I will fucking kill you! You fucking bitch!" Damon yelled, one of the vervain ropes breaking free in the process.

Klaus began to stir and he opened his eyes, he saw Stefan's lifeless body on the ground and gasped, realising what happened he looked at Damon.

Anger continued to consume Damon and Emily watched, she had never seen him so distraught before, it killed her inside.

Damon didn't cry, he was strong so when Emily saw the tears she walked up to him, cupping his face she smiled "Uncle its okay, she will die tonight I promise" Emily turned to face Cammy, who was smirking.

Cammy heard this news and laughed "Oh Emily how delight full, I look for wood to dying because if you kill me you shall die too" she smiled "all courtesy of my lovely witch Davina" she smiled.

Emily growled, she punched a wall leaving a crack in it. Her fingers ran through her golden blonde hair and she sighed. "You still need to make a choice Emily" she smiled.

Emily shook her head "go to hell bitch" she said through gritted teeth.

Cammy chuckled evilly, "okay let me make this easier for you, Elijah fetch the hunter" she said with a smile.

Elijah nodded before scurrying off, moments later returning with the hunter who was restrained to where he couldn't move a muscle, "Elijah stop!" he yelled.

Cammy grabbed a hold of Jeremy's chin and smiled "Hmm he is delightful, no wonder you find him attractive. He is sexy"

Jeremy's face turned into disgust "Ewe"" he said "I wouldn't date you and the only way you'll ever get a man is if you use compulsion!"

Cammy slapped him across the face, leaving a red mark. Jeremy didn't budge or say a word. He wasn't going to give in to this bitch.

Emily's head was dizzy, she couldn't handle the pressure.

"Emily..." she turned around but was surprised to see Kol.

"Kol!" she squealed, she ran towards him but Cammy wouldn't allow her, instead she put a small pocket knife to Jeremy's throat "must suck being human, so weak" Cammy muttered in Jeremy's ear.

"Well Emily; isn't this fun?" Cammy said loudly for everyone to hear "Last chance love, choose Damon or Klaus. Better yet I've got a better game" she smirked facing Elijah "Elijah, plan B"

Elijah used his vampire speed and in a second bit his wrist; feeding Jeremy his blood he made sure he swallowed it.

Cammy smiled, seeing Jeremy's fearful eyes, "Goodbye Jeremy Gilbert" and with that she snapped his neck.

"No!" Emily's shrieks filled the air, her knees gave in and she found herself by Jeremy's side, tears continued to fall as she held his dead body.

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