Hansol- Can't Wait

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Y/B/F- your best friend

"That stupid smile ever gonna melt off your face?" You laughed, hitting your best friend's arm, "Oh shush! Help me look for him!" Y/B/F sighed and continued to look with you. The two of you were at the airport; you had wanted to surprise your boyfriend Hansol when he came back from his events overseas. Y/B/F had been gracious enough to come and keep you company. Currently, the two of you were on a balcony watching the exit gate. 

"Look, there they are!" Y/B/F said, seeing them before you. You smiled even wider, soon spotting him and pulling your friend's arm, "Come on!" 

"You're supposed to let him see you first!" Y/B/F said, pulling you back. You blinked, "Am I?" Y/B/F rolled her eyes, "What am I going to do with you? You don't even know the simplest things about being romantic." You hit your friend's arm again but sighed, allowing him/her to guide you to the stairs. 

"Now just walk down slowly with me," Y/B/F told you. "Just keeping looking at him until he sees you." You pouted, "Can't I just go to-" 

"Come on, it'll be like a drama!" Y/B/F said, putting the plan into action before you were ready. You quickly found him again in the crowd and your smile reappeared. Suddenly, you saw B-Joo nudge Hansol, gesturing towards you. He turned and his entire face seemed to light up, making you laugh and walk faster. 

"Y/N, wait for me!" Y/B/F laughed, hurrying after you. But you just kept going, weaving through the crowd as quickly as you could and running right into Hansol's arms. He held you tight, making you laugh when he wouldn't let you pull away. 

"Hansol-ah, let me go!" you giggled. He finally conceded, immediately grabbing your hand to keep you close. You swung his hand back and forth, facing him, "So how was-" 

"Hansol, come on!" P-Goon was calling. Your boyfriend sighed, a slightly angry look on his face, "I have to go to a meeting at the company." Your face fell, "But you just got back! Will you get any time off? I came just to see you." Hansol met your eyes, "I'm sorry. I'll come see you after if I can." You nodded sadly, letting go of his hand as he hurried after his fellow members, getting an annoyed look from P-Goon that made you squeeze your hands into fists. 

"He had to go?" Y/B/F asked, having been standing behind you. "Come on! You had plans! You were going to show him-" You cut her/him off with a sigh and shrugged, "It's okay; I understand. Let's just go home." 

"It's so not okay!" Y/B/F continued to rant to you as the two of you walked back to the car. You smiled slightly, trying not to show you were hurt, "I think you're more upset about this than I am." Y/B/F narrowed his/her eyes, "For some reason, I doubt that." You sighed, getting into the passenger seat of the car, staring out the window until Y/B/F dropped you off at your apartment then drove away. 

When you went inside, you looked sadly at the plate of cupcakes, the balloons, and present that had been set up to surprise Hansol. Quietly, you walked past it all, only grabbing the present as you sat on the couch, playing with the bow. Your phone buzzed and you practically leapt at it, huffing in disappointment as you saw it was just a text from Y/B/F asking if you were okay. 

"Sure," you muttered, not bothering to reply. "I'm great. It's not like I had been planning this for days." You began to scroll through your SNS, trying to distract yourself. You lost yourself as you scrolled, not even hearing the soft click of the door opening and the soft footsteps sneaking towards you. 

Suddenly, a yell sounded from behind you and you screamed in response, turning and throwing your phone blindly. 


"Ow!" He stumbled back, his hands on his chest. 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Are you okay?" you fretted, quickly jumping over the couch and rushing towards him, kneeling down. "Did I hurt you? I'm sorry I didn't know-" Your voice trailed off when you saw Hansol's expression, his laugh soon making your cheeks warm. 

"Yah!" you exclaimed, pushing him. "You scared me!" Hansol just fell over, still laughing at you as you hid your face behind your hands, trying to hide your blush, but a smile creeping onto your face. 

"You're the worst," you mumbled. 

"But you love me~" Hansol said playfully, crawling up by your side and clinging to your arm, blinking his eyes cutely up at you. Your cheeks grew warm again and you leaned forward, resting your forehead on his, "Yes, for who knows what reason." Hansol smiled as you kissed his nose, hugging your arm closer to him. 

The two of you stayed there for a moment before he seemed to remember something, "Y/N-ah, did you make those cupcakes for me?" You laughed, pulling him to stand with you as you headed toward the kitchen, "I'd like to say yes, but you know I can't bake. I bought them to surprise you." Hansol grabbed one and smiled at it before looking at you mischievously. 

"Don't you-" You barely got the words out before the cupcake was squished against your nose, your eyes closed as Hansol's hyena laugh sounded again. 

"Aw Y/N~ So cute~" he said as you opened your eyes and wiped the frosting off your nose. Grinning, you grabbed a cupcake and his eyes widened, quickly running away, "No!" Laughing, you chased after him, quickly tackling him onto the couch and stuffing the cupcake in his face, laughing as he protested and pushed you off. You kept giggling as he looked sadly at his reflection in his phone, using his fingers to get frosting out of his bangs, "You're evil." 

"Takes one to know one," you said, jumping up and kissing his cheek as you hugged him, burrowing your face into his neck afterwards. Hansol smiled, putting his head on top of yours and gesturing at the balloons, "You must have missed me a lot to have done all this for me." Giving him a quick peck on the neck where you had been nuzzling, you reached over and grabbed the present from the table, "I have something for you." Hansol's eyes lit up as he took the box, shaking it once before pulling at the ribbon. Your eyes didn't leave his face as he pulled out a smaller black box, slowly turning his head to look at you, "Y/N?" 

"I found it the day you left," you said softly. "I can't wait now that I know." Hansol hid his face, still clutching the box, "But I was going to do something all romantic, not when we're both frosting messes!" You laughed, grabbing his hand, "I think you look very handsome." He smiled, squeezing your hand and looking at the box again, "Well, I guess it's happening then." 

Your face broke into a wide smile as he stood then knelt onto one knee, opening the box with one hand while still holding yours, "Y/N, will you marry me?" You gasped when you saw the ring: a thin band with just one simply cut diamond, but to you, it was the most beautiful thing in the entire world. 

"Yes!" you slightly squealed, only letting him slip the ring onto your finger before you pulled him to you, locking your lips together; you could feel him smiling into the kiss, making your heart warm even more. 

"I. Love. You. So. Much!" you said, pecking his lips in between each word. Hansol laughed, pulling you close to him, resting his chin on your shoulder, "I love you too. I will be the best husband I can for you." You squeezed your new fiancé, never planning on letting go, "You're already perfect."

Author's Note: AAAAAHHHHHHH I know, it's really REALLY late but here's Hansol's birthday present! I've had literally the worst case of writer's block and I'm surprised this ever got finished but I'm happy with it! Did you like it? I hope so! Don't forget to leave your request! Saranghae! <3

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