Hansol- Wake Up

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Prompt: "You need to wake up because I can't do this without you."

Everything was a blur. Someone was holding you back. You screamed, fighting, crying. Why were you so adamant to get away? You could barely comprehend your own thoughts. Just one name: Hansol, Hansol, Hansol....

"I'll see you," Hansol said, walking over to you as he put his jacket on. You sighed, "Do you have to go?" He nodded sadly, "It's okay. I'll come again as soon as I have free time." You quickly kissed him, "Love you." 

"Love you too," he said happily, giving you his signature smile as he waved cutely, closing the door behind him. You sighed again, going to stand by the window, watching him get into a van that you assumed already contained other members. You hated watching him leave, but you also respected and admired his decision to chase his dream. He really was the best dancer you had ever seen and an excellent vocalist. 

You went to sit on the couch, pulling a random book from your bookshelf on the way and curled up in a blanket, losing yourself in another world.

"Let me see him!" you screamed desperately, trying to get out of the grip of whoever was holding you back. 

"Y/N, calm down!" someone kept telling you, but you could barely hear him. You collapsed on the ground, your entire body shaking. You looked up desperately at the one holding you, "Please, I need to see him."

You awoke a few hours later, the book on your chest. You yawned and stretched, going to get yourself some lunch. You heard your phone buzzing, saw that Hansol was calling, but didn't pick up; you didn't want to distract him. He should know he shouldn't call you until he was done with practice. 

You hummed to yourself, playing with the ends of your sweater, wondering how long it would be until you saw Hansol again.

You were led down what seemed to be the longest hallway in existence. Someone was holding your hand tightly, another with an arm around your shoulders. You were still shaking, whispering prayers to yourself. 

Soon, you came to a door. Your trembling hand reached for the knob and opened it slowly, suddenly fearful of what you would see.

After you had eaten, you went over and turned on the T.V. After flicking through a couple channels, you almost turned it back off, but then you froze. There was a special announcement on the news: a car crash. You slowly stood, beginning to shake as you walked toward the screen. There was one of Topp Dogg's vans lying on its side, broken glass all around it; it had been on its way back to the dorms after practice. There was an ambulance and they were helping the members out. You searched desperately for him, and as if the universe knew, he suddenly appeared, being held by the people from the ambulance. 

You gasped and ran out of your apartment, your mind filled with the image of your Hansol's bloody body, his leg at the wrong angle, his closed eyes, and the other members' desperate faces.

"Hansol?" You whimpered, almost crying again. He didn't respond; his eyes were closed, his body completely still. His leg was in a cast, bruises were starting to show, and there were a lot of scratches; you could barely look at him. 

"He's alive," a doctor said. "Just unconscious. We have done all we can for him. Now, we can only wait." You nodded, approaching the bed. You reached out, running your fingers through his hair, letting your hand rest on his cut cheek. His face was so innocent, like he was only sleeping. 

"Hansolie," you murmured, continuing to stroke his head. "Hansol-ah, wake up. Please, you have to wake up. You need to wake up because I can't do this without you." No response; Hansol never ignored you. You took his hand, trying to give your own warmth to his cold fingers, "Hansol?" 

"Y/N-noona, we have to go," you turned, finally realizing who had been with you the entire time. Yano had spoken, P-Goon beside him. 

"We have to go now Y/N-noona," Yano repeated, walking over and taking your hand. You felt yourself beginning to tremble again and you shook your head like a child, clinging to Hansol's wrist with your other hand. P-Goon came over and gently pried your fingers from Hansol, letting you fall into him as he helped you walk away. Your entire body shook as you hid your face in P-Goon's chest, praying that Hansol would wake up.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*A few days later

The phone call came. You had never dressed faster, running outside to get into the passenger seat of a van driven by P-Goon. You barely even noticed B-Joo, A-Tom, and some of the other members in the backseat. 

"Go, go!" you cried out, pressing with your feet as if it would help. P-Goon didn't need to be told twice; the van went as fast as it could without speeding to the hospital. You practically jumped out, barely able to keep yourself from just running in and finding Hansol yourself. But P-Goon went and got them permission and they followed the instructions given to get to his room. B-Joo opened the door and you ran in, your smile threatening to split your face in two. There he was, sitting up in bed and smiling, his eyes alive. 

"Hansol!" you ran into his arms, holding him tight. He laughed his hyena laugh and tapped your shoulder, "Y/N-ah, you're hurting me!" You reluctantly let go and stepped back, letting him reunite with his group members. When you all managed to calm down, you sat next to Hansol's bed, holding his hand. 

"You scared us hyung!" A-Tom exclaimed, glaring slightly before smiling again. Hansol nodded, his eyes slightly downcast. B-Joo, sitting on the other side of Hansol, patted his shoulder, "We're all very happy that you're okay." Everyone nodded and you rubbed Hansol's hand with your thumb, making sure that he kept smiling. 

P-Goon announced that they would go get lunch for them all to have so they could stay with Hansol. He made all the members come with him, giving you a knowing look as he pushed the reluctant B-Joo out the door. You smiled your thanks at him before turning back to Hansol. For a moment, you were both silent. 

"Were you scared Y/N-ah?" he teased, poking your side. Your eyes widened and you hit his arm, surprised he would even ask such a question, "Kim Hansol, you scared the life out of me! I had to watch them carry you out of the van on T.V.!" You realized you were tearing up again and quickly wiped your tears away, whispering, "I thought you were dead." Hansol reached out and pulled you towards him, helping you onto his hospital bed. You both snuggled against each other, him putting his head against yours and kissing your nose. 

"I'm sorry I scared you Y/N-ah," he said quietly. "I'll never do it again." You sat up and kissed both of his freshly healed cheeks, then his forehead, then his lips, "Good, because I don't think I could handle another scare like that. I love you." 

He smiled, "Love you too."

Author's Note: AAHHH my bias~! <3 Next time I'll write a cuter one with him, but I really wanted to use this prompt with him. Don't forget to leave your requests! Have a lovely day!

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