Completely unrelated to the story

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Okay this isn't technically part of the story. Sorry about that if you were excited about the next chapter. I'm actually technically on hiatus. Anyway, I was tagged by XxSorna.
1. You must post the rules
2. You have to say 15 things about yourself
3 tag people (i don't remember how many I'm doing 5)
4. ??
5 if ur tagged you have to do it, otherwise the person who tagged u gets to choose your punishment
6 ???
7 give the chapter a cool title
Sorry about the ones I forgot; I do this on mobile and can't copy and paste.
1. I first read Harry Potter in third grade. I didn't read book 2 until 5th.
2. DOCTOR WHO IS LOVE DOCTOR WHO IS LIFE. A friend got me into it and I've been kinda obsessed ever since
3. I'm repainting my room and I'm putting the TARDIS flying through the stars on my ceiling
4. I'm in England right now and it's the Fourth of July. Therefore I plan on playing "you'll be back" from Hamilton really loud out of speakers to annoy all the Brits.
5. I love the series "His Dark Materials" by Phillip Pullman. Not many people know about it though. My dad got me into that one.
6. I used to hate Percy Jackson because I fell asleep while listening to the audiobook for TLT and then tried to watch the movies to catch up.
7. On the internet I have really bad grammar and spell stuff wrong (I depend on autocorrect and you can see where that goes) but irl I'm a grammar nazi sometimes
8. I constantly insult people using references.
9. Obviously, I love hetalia. But I don't want to tell my parents cuz I ship stuff and they'll kill me. So basically I told them it's an anime that wouldn't interest them.
10. My mom likes watching the same things I watch (that's why I was reluctant about telling her about hetalia- one look at the fandom and I'm grounded for life)
11. Since I'm in England I keep thinking everything is the tardis.
12. Every single fanfic I've ever written got abandoned at some point in time (not this one though- hopefully)
13. I can often be found shouting at my ancient pc that's from 2002 and still uses Windows 7 because it's insanely slow
14. Most of the books in my room are for 9 year olds or younger because I'm too lazy to clean them out
15. Uh... My cat has skin cancer.
Anyway now that that's over I'm tagging the wrong amount of people.
A/N: I work on mobile, so while I'm off working on a book on the science of Harry Potter, I won't be able to update. Sociopathic-Llama and I are working together on the new book from the account Harry-Potter-Science . We start next week.

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