The one girl who could

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Nights like these were not the worst kind, and I hardly got to spend every one like it. I got to spend only my nights doing anything, and I liked staring up at the stars hoping that one day I will be able to get away from here, from a life I can't even live on my own. But I have to say that tonight wasn't as bad as the others. I was as free as I could get tonight. I was sitting in the back yard with a book lying across my lap, untouched, gazing up at the stars that rarely graced us with their presence.

The house I was stuck in wasn't bad. I was never alone and that was fine I had nothing to hide. Not one of the girls had their own room which was fine because we really wouldn't have anything to put into one. And the only room we really had in the house belonged to the owner, Blaine. If he wasn't in his room he was with someone, in the house and out of the house. He was hardly ever alone.

He wasn't horrible to live with; he didn't boss all the girls around just most. Sometimes he would get on a mean streak and take it out on some. It seemed that the brunt of his anger would be turned on to those older than us newbies.

I was a newbie, and I had no hope at all for what my future was to hold. I had accepted what my fate was, but that meant nothing to me. I was sentenced to live here after being sold to Miss Sara.

I was sold, not as a slave, but a whore. I never got that far in the business though. That same night I was attacked, and when I woke up I was in a house, told I was to live here for a century before being free.

I was not allowed to do much without Master Blaine's permission in anything. He was my Father, in the sense that he was the attacker and had awakened me to my life of night. Not just me though, all the girls in the house he had awakened.

Some on purpose, while others like me were accidents.

"Billie...." He said. The only guy who ever insisted that he call me Billie.

I had no choice but turn to my maker. "Yes?"

"How is it tonight?" Blaine asked after several minutes.

He was not a man of many words, but that didn't make him less in my eyes. Some in the house have fallen for our maker but I can say I am not one of them, although I don't hate him. I am resigned to him.

I looked back up to the stars, and smiled. "The stars are out tonight." When I looked back at Blaine he was still staring at me.

"I knew you would like to see the stars tonight." He walked over and kneeled next to me on the grass. "Billie...." He touched a blade of grass. "Are you happy here?"

The question caught me off guard. How could I say that there were nights I wanted to feel something like I belonged? Or that sometimes my life didn't make any sense at all? Or some nights I wished to walk into the brilliant light of the day, to feel the sun caress my skin and warm my being, knowing that it would be the last thing I ever did?

Sensing my hesitation, Blaine got up and stormed away. He stopped at the back door, I saw his reflection in the window stare at me before he disappeared inside the big house.

That night, just before dawn, I leaned back and fell asleep under the stars. And I did it with a smile on my face. The stars were my only companion.

I woke up next to Allison, like all nights. She was just waking up like myself, when she turned to me.

"Rose?" being my preferred used middle name. "Why do you do it?"

More than a little confused, "Do what?"

She glared at me. "Blaine. You continue to make him mad. Everything you do gets him in a mood that puts him taking it out on others. Everyone except you."

She got up and walked to me. Between her teeth she spoke. "You should just leave or at least stayed outside like the....."

"Allison." Blaine said from behind her. He didn't even raise his voice. When you were a maker your children were compelled to listen.

Shooting daggers out of her eyes she turned and bowed her head following Blaine back to his room.

Why would it be my fault if he got angry, he seemed like a troubled soul anyways.

Blowing out the unused air I thought, just like me.

My nights were filled with cooking and staying to myself. I observed what the others did with their time. While some talked with each other trying to get Blaine's attention, others were getting their jollies by brining other men home.

Blaine didn't mind his only rule was that none of them men be bitten in his home.

While Blaine himself sat and drank. That was what most of his time was spent doing, drinking.

From across the room I caught his eye. I looked away just as he smiled. The crash that happened after had many squirming away. When I looked back I met his eyes before he left the house. Girls were rushing to clean up the mess he had made when he threw the bottle on the floor.

Three days and two nights passed before we saw Blaine enter the house again.

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