Chapter 7

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Shane's POV

"Stop please!" The killer is walking closer to me, he is holding a knife.

"No!" the killer positioned behind my back, I can feel the cold knife in my neck.

"Time to die."

"Shane! Wake up!" my neck hurts, I fell a sleep while sitting, I can't believe it I fell asleep in this kind of place.

"I can't take it anymore! I can hear people screaming here!" she said, I can see her shaking.

"This is a slaughter house and we are not getting out of here alive..." I whispered.

Screaming for their lives, hoping someone could hear them, hoping... they could get out of here even though theirs no chance.

We could hear a loud banging sound, it's getting louder and closer.

"Please! Just kill me now! I don't want to get tortured!" she's getting crazy, she's going to cry then later she's  getting really quiet then she'll  whispering something.

We are covered in blood, James's blood. It splattered all over us.

The metal door open.

"How about a little tour around?" The killer said.

Someone grabbed my arms tightly, same as Ashley.

While walking in the hallway I saw blood coming out from the door.

"Oh sorry about that, I think they are having fun inside!" he opened the door.

There's blood all over, on the floor and on the wall...

A g-guy on the floor... His b-body is cut in half, I can see his brain.

Ashley's vomiting.

I have to keep it all together, Shane please be strong, keep all your shits together!

After that horrifying, terrifying, frightening and shocking view we continued walking in the hallway.

We entered a room theirs a glass, I could see what's happening in the other room.

Theirs a girl in the other room, she's all tied up, she's so young! I think she's only 15 or 16, What the fuck is he doing to her?!?

The killer's hammering all the nails in her fingers.

The killer is now holding a butchers knife, t-then he chopped her legs and arms off, he throw it to us even though theirs a glass it terrifies me. The killers besides us is just laughing.

The killer on the other side hammers her neck until it breaks her neck, she's already dead but her eyes is still open.

I can't take it anymore... But I have to... I have to keep it all together.

We walked back to the room where we stayed before.

A killer is holding a gun, what the fuck is he going to do to us?!

The killer walk beside Ashley, her face is just blank, emotionless, empty.

He hit her in the back of her neck, that put her to sleep.

I felt a presence behind me, before I can react-

Thank you for those who read this story~ :)

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