Hope for Everyone

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Chapter Seventeen

Hope for Everyone

Noah and Elli sat in her room, catching up in greater detail on how their lives had been over the last few years. She sat crossed legged on her bed, while Noah lay on his back on the floor, arms crossed behind his head. A knock at the door interrupted their conversation and they exchanged surprised glances. They both instantly knew who was out there, but they had been so oblivious to the outside world, the visitor had managed to sneak up on them. That…probably wasn’t good. Especially not with Blake in the house.

“Come on in, Richard,” Elli called. He turned the knob and opened the door, but paused a moment before entering and shutting the door behind him. Noah went from his relaxed lounging on the floor to tensely sitting up. Despite the fact that the two talked fairly regularly, Noah still acted like a nervous school girl around his mate.

Subtle, she thought when she saw it. Granted, she couldn’t relax and act normal around Jasper so she couldn’t really judge.

Richard sighed. “So, I’m trying to be open-minded, but I’m having some issues with it so can one of you please explain why we have a murderer living in our attic?”

They stared at him for several moments in shock. He rolled his eyes at their expressions. “I’m a seer, guys. You can’t really keep secrets from me. Now, what the hell?”

There was another knock at the door and this time, the wolves jumped. Damn, they were off their game today. Richard opened the door and Blake stood outside.

“You’re a seer?”

So much for private conversations in the house… With two werewolves and a vampire living there, the idea of privacy had flown out the window.

Richard jumped back and Elli could hear the increase in his heart rate. “Jesus! Why are you here?”

“I asked my question first,” he answered, crossing his arms. For such a childish remark, his facial expression and body language were extremely serious.

“Yes. But you already heard that. So why are you here?”

He shrugged and vaguely gestured at Elli and then at the rest of the house in general. “Easy food source. Roof over my head. You know, the usual.”

Elli growled at the comment but didn’t correct him.

He studied Richard for several moments and reached a hand out, nearing the only skin he had exposed, his face. “May I?”

“No,” came the blunt response.

Blake smirked. “That wasn’t a question so much as a warning.”

He closed the very small gap between the back of his hand and Richard’s face and the seer jerked back and then stared at the vampire.

“What the hell?”

“Didn’t see anything, did you?”

“I…no. How did you…?”

“Funny thing about seers, they can prevent other seers from seeing their future. I’m not really sure why we’d want to, but we can.”

Elli wished she had a camera because Richard’s jaw literally dropped at that sentence.

“Close your mouth or you’ll catch flies,” Blake commanded.

“You’re a seer?” He barely recovered from his shock. He closed his mouth, but his eyes were wide.

He nodded. “I used to be, anyways. Not so much now. I’m guessing from your… warm clothing choice, you haven’t learned to control your powers yet?”

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