Day 1

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I was sitting in an armchair, reading through a three year old magazine as I waited for my dentist appointment to begin. My mother was next to me, slowly dozing off as she watched the news.

There was nothing memorable about the article I was reading - it was just that I was reading when it happened.

"Shit just hit the fan," The newscaster announced on live TV. That was the first indicator that something was very, very wrong, and I was more disgruntled about the fact it couldn't wait another hour. "Cases of zombie sightings and attacks are being reported across the globe. This isn't a joke, people. The zombie apocalypse is beginning as we speak. Go home, barricade everything, and stay safe."

I turned to my mother who was certainly no longer tired as she hopped up and dragged me out of the waiting room. There was only two words that could describe the scene outside: pure chaos. Zombies were nowhere to be seen, but people seemed to panic immediately anyway.

My mom shoved me in the car without so much as an apology for making me miss my appointment. Maybe my head hadn't wrapped around the idea of our world's impending doom yet or maybe I had been looking forward to taking my braces off since I got them - either way, my mom didn't take it well when I asked if she would wait in the car while I got my braces removed.

"Just buckle up," she ordered before driving down the street like she was in a sports car and not a soccer mom mini-van.

"Mom!" I yelled when she drove through a stopsign and a red traffic light.

"No cars were coming!" I gave her an incredulous look. "Do you really think a cop is going to pull us over?" She complained.

I sighed.


At home is when it finally dawned on me.

We were all probably going to die. Well, everyone eventually dies, but we were being sent to our graves early. I could have argued that maybe this was meant to be how we died, but it wasn't.

I couldn't explain the feeling.  Maybe it was just nerves. Watching my family run around the house to barricade all the doors and windows made me want to panic, too. It wasn't good that I was so calm; that meant I would freak out later. Who knew where I'd be later.

I then opted to watch the news play footage of zombies shuffling down the abondoned streets of the next town over. That meant the zombies were coming here next. Dread finally settled in my gut before turning to nausea.

Soon, I was spilling my guts in the toilet because I couldn't stand the thought of seeing a real zombie. Greg patted my shoulder before handing me a glass of water. My parents stood in the doorway, worried looks on their faces.

"I'm fine," I breathed even though I still felt a bit dizzy, and my skin was pale.


My mother hadn't stopped crying since we all embraced one another, causing me to tear up as well. It wasn't a full sob like my mom's, just pitiful sniffles and watery eyes.

She was crying into my father's shoulder who had been wearing his "brave" face since we got back home. Greg was busy calling all the contacts on his list to say final goodbyes.

I didn't have anyone to call really. I tried to make friends, but I wasn't the best when it came socializing. I came off as awkward and introverted - which I was, but not many people at school could relate. I had one person though. Not to be pessimistic but he was probably dead already.

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