Day 174 - Night

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He heard it in the distance - a motor. He strained his ears, it sounded like two or more of them. He turned his head back, eyes squinted to see far behind him a tiny dot on the horizon. It split into four dots, steadily coming closer to him on the open road. However, much to Niall's dismay, he couldn't very well hope it was the boys; he had to find cover in case the motorcyclists were vicious bandits. He heard plenty of stories about people being left with nothing but their underwear and a knife after being robbed by bandits - he definitely did not want to suffer the same fate.

He crouched low in the tall grass, deciding to wait for them to pass. He made sure to concentrate on his surroundings as well; it would do him no good to avoid the motorcyclists and be ambushed by a zombie. And that's when he felt the ground shaking, his hand mashed into the earth and feeling vibrations. A thumping began, getting louder and faster behind him. He turned his head back to see the abomination.

It was a hideous beast - red, blistered skin, bulging muscles, black, marble eyes, festering wounds, bloody jaws, and devilish grin. Niall wished he could just fall asleep, and it would all be over. He had no choice but to abandon his position and run for his fucking life. He sprinted down the road, heaving in huge gulps of air to supply his quickly tiring muscles. The adrenaline wasn't kicking in yet; he pushed his body to go faster. Faster. Faster. Niall thought it impossible for his body to slow down anytime soon; his body was going through infinite motions, fueled by the want to survive. Unfortunately, the fucking devil spawn could keep up, and so could the motorcyclists.

The beast roared - the sound so loud it resonated within Niall's chest and made his ears go numb. He couldn't hear the motors anymore. Had they turned back when they saw the beast running after to kill Niall? He didn't want to chance a peek behind him; he needed to keep his eyes forward to watch out for obstacles.

His bat started to weigh him down, but Niall couldn't afford to let it go. When his bullets ran out, it would be the only weapon he was left with. God, why was this happening to him? He could survive on his own, but what chances had he at surviving with mutated zombies like this one? How was he supposed to know that perhaps he shouldn't have ever left alone? He should've never left the mall.

For once in his life, Niall knew he was about to die. It wasn't just his fear talking - it was reality pounding at his door. A weird calm washed over him, his body steadily slowing down. He came to a stop, turned around, gun aiming at the beast twenty feet away. Too close for his liking. He shot at it. It never screeched as the bullets pierced through its body. His gun clicked empty. He put it away, taking his bat out.

He raised it above his head, waiting for the beast to attack. His hearing was returning, the heavy breathing of the beast and the steady humming of motorcycles filling his ears. His chest heaved up and down, Niall's heart pumping a mile a minute.

"What are you waiting for?" Niall muttered to himself. The beast was still standing there, breathing heavily. That's when he noticed the bullet holes shrinking, slowly healing into red scars. He cursed under his breath, deciding to start running again while he had the chance.

The motorcyclists were only fifty feet away now. As soon as he saw the flamethrower, Niall smiled. He ran in the middle of the road, waiting for the boys to slow down to a stop. The first motorcycle stopped within two feet of Niall, the driver quickly spinning around and aiming with his automatic gun shoot at the giant zombie. Then came the flames. It looked like it arose from hell, flames engulfing the entirety of the beast as it starting running closer.

"Get on, Niall!" He recognized the voice as Harry's. Niall quickly got behind him on the motorcycle, and Harry took off. "Throw the grenades, Liam!"

He heard a series of explosions, wondering quietly to himself whether the military base actually trusted them with bombs or if they had just took them when no one was looking. The beast roared again, Niall's ears numbing once more. Harry's voice was drowned out, and so were the motor and explosions. He could feel the vibrations though, and the deep thumping rhythm of the explosives.

Harry circled back, Niall's eyes trained on the fallen zombie. He watched as Liam used his machete to chop the monster's head off. The zombie was definitely dead now. Harry parked, taking off his helmet. The boys all looked at Niall with relief in their faces. Niall went red.

"Fuck, I'm so angry at you!" Zayn yelled at him. Niall shrunk in on himself. "But I'm so damn relieved you're alive and with us." Niall was pulled in a hug, Zayn's warm lips pressed against his shoulder where his shirt had fallen down. He shivered but snuggled his face into Zayn's neck. Niall couldn't help himself as he cried.

The rest of the boys joined in on the hug, Niall filling up with a warmth that was more than just physical. He felt it stem from deep within his body, bursting with raw emotion. It felt good to see his friends again after so long. It was hard being alone. It wasn't easy like he thought it would be. He had been wrong this whole time.

"I'm sorry I left without you," Niall finally spoke to them. His voice was strained but still as sweet as ever. He pulled away from the hug, taking a few steps away from them. "I thought it would be better to leave alone. I always cause trouble for other people. . . You shouldn't have come, even if I'm glad you did."

"You think we're idiots," Louis started. "But it takes one to known one. All this time we were trying to protect, you kept to your stubborn ways. You almost died today! If I. . .we. . . had never come, the guilt would have eaten us alive before the zombies did! Get it through your thick skull that wherever you go, we will, too! You're more than just a friend to me, Niall! I have feelings for you!"

Nobody had ever been able to predict Louis - he was wild and a tad bit insane. Louis' confession had been blurted straight out of his loud mouth, followed by the short boy surging forward to kiss the even shorter boy on the lips. Niall's eyes went wide, his entire face red hot, knees buckling, palms sweaty.

Louis only titled his head, deepening the kiss.



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