Day 140

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Niall wondered if any of the zombies he had just killed were orthodontists. There had to be at least one out of the hundred zombies that had accumulated outside of the mall. Niall was on the roof of the mall, so he could get a clear shot of the horde of zombies. He didn't appreciate being woken up at the crack ass of dawn, and he ended up taking his frustration out on the zombies below. "Poor bastards."

Light. Niall furrowed his eyebrows. There was a moving light on the horizon. He watched as the light separated into two; headlights. There was a car, and it was headed straight for the mall.

He headed downstairs, metal bat clanking against each metal step. He was making too much noise, Niall realized when groaning could be heard on the other side of the door that separated him from the zombies. "Fuck."

Niall made sure he had enough bullets before kicking the door open forcefully to fling the crowding zombies a few feet away as he made his escape. It seemed as if time moved in slow motion as he fired bullet after bullet while running passed them. He darted behind a large potted plant, reloaded his gun, and peeked his head out to assess the damage. There were at least five zombies left, and they were all running towards him.

Niall stood up, arm raised as he began to shoot.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Two left.


Now of all fucking times, his pistol just had to get jammed! He dropped the gun, ducking under a zombie's arm and grabbing his metal bat. He swung at the zombie's knees, making the zombie crumple to the floor. Niall smashed the bat into the standing zombie's head before he stomped on the other's head.

He was breathing heavily now. That had been too close for his liking. However, he had worse things to worry about. There was a car coming his way, and Niall had to protect his new base. Albeit, it wasn't the safest place, but it was better than the outside.

He made his way to the entrance, shocked to see the car pulling into the parking lot already. He watched as four tall, strong, young boys stepped out of the vehicle. Niall gulped. He would never be able to defeat them, not in a million years. But he had to at least try. Running into an electronics store on the second story, he observed the entrance through a television screen. He had hooked up a security camera the other day for situations just like this.

Niall gasped, his barricade like child's play to the four boys as they easily knocked it down. He watched as they stepped through the door, automatic weapons and machetes in their hands.

Holy shit. Niall was going to die!

"We know someone is in here! We saw you on top of the roof!" The biggest one in the bunch yelled. Niall stayed quiet, hands clenching the arm of the chair tightly. "If you don't come out, we will find you, and you won't like it!"

Like that was supposed to tempt Niall to come out. He was going to die either way, so he might as well cause hell while he can. Niall slipped out of the electronics store, slinking into a Toys R Us as the boys split up to search for him.

He crawled behind the cashier's counter, and due to boredom, he fell asleep.


Niall recognized that sound, but he wish he hadn't. He kept his eyes closed, feigning sleep. Something warm and soft poked at his cheek; a finger? Niall furrowed his eyebrows, pouting his lips in confusion. Would they not kill him in his sleep? "Quit poking him!"

"Well, do you want him awake or not?"

A sigh followed. What kind of heartless criminals were they if they bickered back and forth like this? Niall peeked an eye open, gulping when the barrel of his own gun was pointed at him. "Well, he's awake now. . ."

Niall sat up slowly so as not to startle them into shooting him. He slid backwards until his back hit the side of the counter. He was cornered by four dangerous-looking boys. He curled into himself, fear seizing his muscles in a state of paralysis.

One of the boys, a muscular guy with short, brunette hair, had his metal baseball bat resting against his shoulder. Another had his pistol, which was still pointed at him. Niall's eyes traveled up from the barrel of the gun, up the tan arm, and to a bearded face. Amber eyes glared holes in his head, fear seeping into the forefront of his mind once more. "Wh-What do you want from m-me?"

Niall cringed. If these were his last words, he would have preferred to say 'Fuck you' or 'See you in hell'. Yet, he said the most cliché words in this situation. Maybe Niall deserved to die for being so lame.

His tongue smoothly ran across his braces, a habit he did when he was nervous. For the past four months, he has never felt so scared. He had faced countless numbers of zombies, yet he cowered in the presence of four perfectly healthy boys who couldn't be much older than he was.

"We need supplies," The curly-haired fellow spoke, hands running along of the handle of the axe in his grasp. He looked scary and insane, Niall decided. Not as much as the shortest of the bunch though, Niall never saw that guy quit smiling!

"Go ahead," Niall gestured towards the exit of the toy store. "There is far more than I could ever eat. Just promise you'll leave when you're done, and I'll be out of your way."

"What makes you think you can boss us around?" Curly hair smirked.

"In all fairness, I found this place first. I could have very well killed you as soon as you entered this place."

"But instead you decided to take a nap with zombies and us walking freely around. What's with the pile of zombies at the front entrance anyway?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" He heard a gun cock, making him gulp as he stared at the black-haired guy. "Is there something else you wanted?"

"I thought you'd never ask!"

Before curly hair could continue, the sound of glass shattering and groans occurred. Niall stood up, stealing his gun back while the others were distracted. He shot at the zombies' heads, jumping onto the counter to get a better range. Bullets fired from the semiautomatic guns the boys carried, flashes of orange and red crossing their faces as fire exploded from the feathery-haired boy's flamethrower.

Remind Niall to not get on that guy's bad side. A hand clamped down on his foot, pulling him off the counter. He screamed, his pistol flying across the room as he let it go in shock. He kicked at the zombie's face, dislodging its jaw. Suddenly, a metal bat crashed down on the zombie's head.

Niall scrambled back, heading for his gun. Before he could reach it, a strong hand grabbed his ankle and pulled him back. He wiggled around as he was hung upside down. "Fucking put me down!"

"Calm down, blondie," The muscular one reprimanded. "I just saved your life, the least you could do is thank me."

Niall huffed, letting his arms fall above his head. His fingers barely touched the ground. Why did he have to be so short and small? "Thank you. Let me go."

"Not until we leave," The boy said. "We can't trust you."

"You're the one that broke into my base! How the hell do you get to be boss?"

"Because you're weak and helpless. We're not."

Niall would have punched him if he weren't hanging upside down. He was not weak. He was not helpless. He has survived just fine for the past four months by himself. "Asshole."

"Excuse me?"

Niall shook his head. "I didn't say anything!"



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