Chapter 2 - Call

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"Hello Ran-nee-chan." He said happily but when his eyes landed on me, his eyes widen as it showed happiness, worries, joy, and.............was that love? I think my eyes are just fooling me. I need to get more sleep. "Ran-nee-chan, who's this?" He asked. I want to know more about him and why he looks so much like Shinichi when he was younger. This is getting interesting.

Author's POV

"Hello, I'm Yasuda Naomi, Ran's childhood friend. It's nice to meet you. What's your name little boy?" Naomi asked as she squatted down to the boy's height. The little boy's eyes twitched when he heard Naomi called him 'little boy' but blushed because of their closeness.

"I'm Conan! Edogawa Conan! Hello Naomi-nee-chan!" Conan introduced himself in a childlike way to remove any suspicions about him from Naomi.

And as Conan hoped, Naomi didn't think much about him afterwards. Except for the fact that he looked a lot like Shinichi when he was young.

"Hi Conan-kun. You know, you have the same name as Arthur Conan Doyle, who wrote the Sherlock Holmes series. That's a really interesting name." Conan flinched when he heard that she's interested. 'Crap. I didn't need her to be interested. Now it's only a matter of time before she finds out who I am.' Conan thought.

"Ahahaha..." He let out a nervous laugh. "My parents are big fans of Holmes so they decided to name me Conan." He thought of an excuse.

"Hn. You know boy, I like you." Naomi said as she patted his head with a smile. Conan's reaction to when Naomi said "I like you." was the same as Shinichi. Naomi noticed that but decided to shrug it off since there's probably no way Shinichi will turn into a kid.

"Anyways....Ran, you came to pick up this boy right? Who is he? Your relative?" Naomi asked as Ran shakes her head as a sign of no.

"No, his parents are overseas right now so he's staying with my dad and I." Ran replied.

"Heh~? Is that so? Also, before you go can you give me Shinichi's number?" Naomi asked. "I want to know what exactly is taking him so long to solve a case. I hope he didn't get into anything dangerous."

Ran left with Conan after giving Shinichi's number. Naomi went to Haibara and she pointed to his lab and Naomi went towards the direction. While going there she thought Haibara looked familiar but just brushed it off and went chatting with Agasa-hakase for a few moments before going home.


Conan's POV

I'm so happy that Naomi is back! I haven't seen her for such a long time. Too bad that I can't talk to her without being treated as a kid in this body. I was also thinking of an excuse to tell her later when she asks me why I'm taking so long on this case. She won't let it go as easily as Ran. Another troublesome thing to think about....


Ring~ Ring~

My phone for Shinichi started ringing and it was an unknown number. I'm positive that that is definitely Naomi calling. I reluctantly answered it and used my voice changer.

Shinichi: H-hello?

Naomi: Hi Shinichi. I'm back at Japan! Where are you? I heard you're away for a case.

Shinichi: Y-yeah. I'm in America right now.

Naomi: Oh really?

Shinichi: Yeah.

Naomi: What's taking you so long? You usually finish it really quickly?

Shinichi: Well, this case is really tricky and kind of dangerous so won't be able to come back for a while.

Naomi: Hmm? Is that so? I guess even the great detective have started to lose his touch. But you know, today I met a kid who looks exactly like you when you were a kid and you won't believe what his name is. His name is Conan! The same as the one of the author of the Sherlock Holmes series.

Shinichi: O-Oh yeah? That four-eyed brat right?

Naomi: Yeah! He looked just lik-

Ring~ Ring~

Naomi: Ah! Sorry Shinichi I got another call, I'm hanging up now, bye!

Shinichi: Oi!

Naomi's POV

I ended the call with Shinichi to pick up another incoming call with a scowl on my face. Of all times that person just has to call now.

"Gin. What is it that you need this time?"

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