Chapter Thirteen

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"Why can't you ever let me be happy?" I ask Derek as I sit by his bed side.

He had got drunk and ended up in a terrible bar fight. Picked the wrong fight with the wrong crowd and got beat up. Three big burgly guys against one small little drunk guy. And here I am sitting at his bedside.

"Why did you have to be so stupid? Why the hell would you pick a fight with those guys gosh why the hell am I the first number in your phone?"

"I love him Derek. I am in love with Bryson Djuan Tiller. He is my happiness. He makes me so happy and makes my life so complete. You hurt me but he mended what you broke. But I can't give myself fully to him because you won't let me. Every time I try you fucking pop up."

"And you want to know something else. He loves me as well. He loves me so much that he allows me to still love you. He doesn't try and take the part of my heart that you still own. He takes what he can get and he runs with it."

Getting up I walk away from the bed over to the window.

"I still love you Derek. You were the first person I have ever fell in love with. You saw me for who I really was. You made me who I am today. But when you cheated on me Derek you did something to me. You hurt me. It hurt so much to know that my love for you wasn't strong enough for you to not cheat on me. You cheated on me not once but twice Derek, twice damnit.

You cheated even after I asked you to end it for me. But stupidly I still love you. I am still in love with you."

Derek's POV

"I still love you as well." I rasp out taking Ror by shock.

I heard her entire speech. It pained me to know that she loved Bryson.

It also hurt me to know how much I hurt her. I hated the fact that I cheated on her. I hate that I even gave Melanie a chance at one time in my life. What the hell was I thinking?

"I love you so much that it hurts. I don't want you happy unless I'm the one that is making you happy. So if that means I have to get your attention every now and then, than I'll do it. If that means getting beat up in a bar by three big guys than I'll do it. Because I love you and I don't want you to be in love with Bryson."

"Damn you Derek. I'm moving on. I'm happy. I'm finally happy again. I will always love you but I'm done. You cheating on me will always be in the back of my mind. It will hunt me. I'll never think I'm good enough for you. So I'm moving on. I hope you get better and I will always love you but I can't be with you. Good bye Derek." Aurora says before she walks out of my hospital room and out of my life for good.
Ror's POV

"Bryson your here?" I question walking into my apartment.

"Kitchen." he screams out. After taking off my shoes I find my way in there.

"Hey pretty girl." I greet Harley whose sitting at the table eating.

"Hey Ror." she waves at me.

"Bryson I need to talk to you." I say as he puts the last dish in the sink.

He looks at me before grabbing Harley out of her seat. "Har go take your good into the living room and watch Toy Story okay."

"Okay Daddy."

After she's out of the kitchen and safely on the couch, Bryson and I take a seat at the table.

"Now Bryson I want you to just listen until I'm done okay." I tell him as he shakes his head yes.

"I love you. I'm in love with. And after seeing Derek in the hospital today I realized something. I still love Derek." I say and I can see the switch of emotions on Bryson's face.

"But even though I still love him, I'm no longer in love with him. He will always have a special part in my life but what we had was in the future. You and Harley, you guys are my future. I want this for forever. I never want to let this go. I am officially done with Derek baby. I love you and Harley so much and I never want what we have to end."

Bryson grabs my face to his and kisses me.

"I love you too baby and I will never let you go. I will ALWAYS fight for you. You are mine forever and always baby."

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