The Crew

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  • Dedicated to The Pack

 “Alright up there Aaron?” came a voice I recognized as James.

“All’s good up here!” I called back down. We had all agreed that I was to be called Aaron when I was on a ship for the soul reason that girls aren’t supposed to be sailors.

I was currently loosing the main sail, straddling the yard and untying the binding ropes. We were almost on our way.

(one hour earlier)

We had gathered on the docks, all ready to go. We had only been waiting for David, who Calvin said had managed to borrow a ship off his uncle.

Twenty minutes later we saw him come running up the street. We were about to ask why he was running when we saw several important looking men in expensive looking tailcoats running up the street towards us.

“Run!” shouted a breathless David as he sprinted past us and up the docks. What he had done to anger the men of what looked suspiciously like the king’s navy we had no idea. So naturally, we ran after him.

He turned at his uncle’s ship and practically jumped over the gangplank. I looked behind us and saw the navy men gaining on us. We followed up the gangplank, almost falling over each other in our haste.

We fell in a dog pile on the deck and David had enough sense to rush forward and pull the gangplank aboard.

That was when we started laughing. Laughing at the absurdity of it all.

When we pulled ourselves together we did a head count, making sure we were all present.

“Calvin, David, Thomas, Peter, Ariana. Remember Ariana you’re going to be Aaron on this ship ok?” Said James counting us off.

James had the most experience in our group, and was kind of like the captain with out us having to say so.

I nodded to show I’d heard him.

“Alright then! We should probably get under way though, I doubt they’ll remain clueless for long.” We looked down at the navy men who were running around, searching for a spare gangplank.

“Ok, Peter up to the crows nest. Thomas, meet me at the helm. David, haul anchor, let’s get her into open water, Ariana drop canvas. Calvin make sure everything gets done. Let’s go!” James announced, turning on his heel and marching off in the direction of he helm. Calvin and David grabbed a rope and started pulling the anchor up. Thomas followed James up the stairs to the quarterdeck. Peter scurried to the rail and swung himself onto the rigging. He scampered up the endless ropes to the crows nest high above. I realized I’d been watching him climb for a while, just standing there.

“Oi! Ariana, get up there! Come on, step to!” James called down, already at the wheel. I snapped out of it, rushing over to the rail and pulling myself onto the ropes, starting to climb.

The sun was already setting which meant we didn’t have much time out on the water. We still had homes to return to, even if the thought wasn’t exactly appealing.

I watched as the waves turned red from the light of the setting sun.

What were we doing? We were sailing.

Where were we sailing? Where ever the wind took us.

Why were we sailing? Because it was the one place we were truly free.

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