
16 3 2

I was like a zombie. I left my house without eating anything, not even drinking the mandatory glass of blood to keep me energized until lunch.

I was getting rather tired due to the lack of blood but I was not going to bother. Why should I? I am leaving this continent next week, not drinking blood in the morning was not big of a deal.

Feylin was staring at me and slowly chewing her meat. I did not spare her a glance, I could not as I fear I might break down into tears. I just toyed the meat around the plate and stabbing it rather lifelessly.

"That is it. We are going to talk. Now." Feylin burst out, obviously pissed off. I snapped my head upwards in shock. The females around us gave us a dirty look but I ignored.

"Why..?" I asked nervously. Feylin dramatically rolled her eyes and grabbed my hand.

"We. Are. Going. To. Talk." She demanded, emphasizing every word. I groaned, maybe I should have been my usual self. How could I bring myself to tell her? How?!

I let her drag me out of the cafeteria just when the royals came. I let out a startled gasp at the sight of them, and the certain ice blue hair was there. Apparently, Feylin was too upset and angry that she could not be bothered by them and brushed past them, with me tolling behind.

I winced slightly, her nails were biting into my skin. I kept my head low as I passed by Tobias, hoping that he would not sense anything unusual about me.

As I unintentionally brushed across him while heading out, I felt him stiffen slightly and my heart almost stopped. He could not recognize me! Nobody can! I was right, his posture visibly relaxed as he walked towards the royal table with many women following him like a lost puppy.

I grumbled at the cliche of that very instant, I had no mood to deal with little cliches, I had more urgent matters to settle. I looked to see Feylin still stomping and now we were heading up the stairs. I kept quiet, not wanting to feel her wrath, yet.


I stared down at the football field, with some rather small black figures running around, and a group of black figures jumping at the sidelines.

I am currently on a rooftop.

I looked at Fey who was glaring at me now, gone was her usual cheeriness and that sweet smile, in place was a frown and scrunched up eyebrows.

"It sure is beautiful up here." I said, breaking the tense silence. Fey narrowed her eyes at me, causing me to cringe. Damn that girl has some intimidating power.

"Yes but do not try to change the subject. What the hell has happened to you? You were not like your usual self since last week. Spill." Fey demanded. I winced and just shook my head. How could I tell? I could not just tell her that I am going to disappear. I just wanted to be gone, Fey will get over it. That is what everyone had done, they could try to contact me. My phone number has never changed. My social media was still there, perhaps changing my last name. But no one bothered to check up on me. So why would Fey do the opposite?

"Why are you not telling me? Am I not your friend?" She paused, her voice losing the anger, "Am I even your friend Ria?"

I froze at her change of tone and she looked like she was about to cry. My heart crashed seeing her looking so sad. I felt my face dropped and I buried my face into my hands.

"You are Fey. You are the only friend who has ever bothered." I mumbled, knowing fully well that she would hear.

"Then tell me. You can trust me." Fey whispered. I began to sob into my hands, "It is not that simple Fey, it has never been that simple."

Fey closed her distance between us and hugged me.

"I know."

I looked at her, "You do?"

She smiled bitterly, "Everyone has their dark secrets."

I looked at her again, her shoulders were slumped, her eyes glassy. Had she went through hell just like me? Was I too quick to judge her?

I nodded and mumbled a yeah.

"Why not you share yours. And I share mine." Fey suggested. I saw the sincerity in her eyes and all of my past started to tumble out, all the dark secrets I had kept inside in my heart for centuries all gushed out like a tidal wave. My brother would probably kill me for putting us in danger, again, what if Fey was just faking a nice girl? 

I held my breath as Feylin just sat there, there was no hint of fear, discrimination, or disgust. It was just a look of pure acceptance and understanding.

However, when I got to the point of Tobias catching me in the meadow, she got mildly excited and when I said I was the rogue, she went totally excited.

I just stared at her as she was jumping around and gushing about the fact that I was the rogue and I was the first vampire to escape his clutches.

I laughed nervously, looking around the area, "Keep that down would you."

Fey stopped immediately and smiled sheepishly, "Oops."

I knocked her on the forehead which she grumbled under her breath.

"Are you not afraid of me?" I said softly, fearing her answer.


It was just that one word- short, simple and yet full of emotions and authority.

"It is time to share my dark secrets too. It is about time for me to release the hidden anger in me and share it with someone I trust." She smiled slightly. I gave her hand a squeeze.

She closed her eyes and opened them with a faraway look.

"I am actually a council member's daughter."


Another update :) Enjoy~

Comments and criticism are forever welcomed<3



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2016 ⏰

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