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Year 1705

England, Rye

Screaming and shouting were heard ringing around the castle walls. Smoke from the flames were sipping into every cracks. Frantic footsteps echoed down the corridors.

Osiria shivered under the bed, tears rushing down her face, a thin pulsating stream of red mist hovered around her little body. She missed her mummy and daddy, no, she needed them. Their last words were to tell her to stay hidden until he comes and everything would be all right.

It was supposed to be a normal night, her mother was preparing herself to read a bedtime story and she snuggled into her favorite wool blanket as she looked expectantly to her mama. Her mama barely spoke the first word when a loud war cry boomed around the castle and the sound of the warning bell echoed within the castle walls.

Her mama stiffened and stared at her beautiful little daughter, who was staring back at her with such innocent eyes.

Her papa rushed into the room, lightning fast, both sharing a long hard look. Both of them kissed their precious child on the forehead. To little Osiria, it was just something normal as they always kissed her on the forehead. Nothing was strange. Osiria's mother slipped on a pretty silver bracelet onto her daughter's wrist and Osiria grinned in awe at the bracelet as it glistened in the moonlight.

"My precious Ria, you need to listen to me carefully." her mother whispered urgently. The little child nodded, sensing her mother's distress. "I need you to hide, hide until he comes and then run, and never, ever, ever look back. Do not be frightened, everything would be all right."

Osiria was way beyond confused. Her mama and papa gave her one last look and dashed out of the room. Osiria began to sob as she crawled under her bed, shaking uncontrollably. What was going on?

Osiria laid sprawled onto the wooden floor, trembling in fright as the screams enclosed around her, suffocating her. She was on the verge of a mental breakdown, the smoke were getting thicker, the screaming were getting louder and more agonizing as each seconds ticked by. Osiria clutched her head tightly as fear crept into every single bones in her body, the red mist around her pulsated even more, getting thicker and even more frenzied.

She wanted everything to stop, she wanted the screams to stop! She wanted her mama and papa back!

All of a sudden, the door banged open and heavy shoes came into contact with the pinewood floor. Osiria felt her eyes widen as she quickly covered her mouth to prevent any slips or noises.

"Osiria?" The man whispered urgently. Osiria refused to move, frozen in fear as she stared at the boots. She need to stay hidden, she promised mummy.

"Ria? Where are you?" The man whispered again, opening the closet to find nothing but small dainty clothes. Osiria widened her eyes at the familiarity of her nickname. She know that voice! She desperately tried to remember whose voice it belonged to.

Her head snapped up, it is his voice! It is really his voice!

Her limbs unlocked themselves and she quickly scrambled out of her hiding place and jumped into his arms. She was shivering despite the comfort of the warm arms.

"It is all right my little rose. It is all right." Her brother patted her before putting her down.

"Ria, you need to listen to me. We have to run. Bad guys are coming for you, we need to run. We need to escape this place, right now. My power cannot hold us much longer." Her brother said urgently, staring into her eyes. Osiria sniffed and nodded.

Her brother placed her onto her bed with her clothes put beside her and began to frantically searched for the money which was secretly stashed behind the closet. Upon finding the money, he quickly stuffed it into a cloth bag along with some clothes.

"What about mummy and daddy?" Osiria whispered. Her brother stiffened before regaining his composure, "They are protecting us little Ria, with their life and power. They will be with us soon."

Osiria nodded again, seemingly to be more cheerful after knowing that her parents will be joining shortly and began to wear thicker clothes.

"Let's go."

With that, her brother carried her onto his back and jumped off from the window. Clenching his teeth as he pumped more power into the invincibility bubble he had created. It was draining him, he had used quite a bit of power earlier trying to find the glamour that was entrapping around Ria, and killing those bastards.

Osiria could not help but looked back to her beloved castle, a place she would proudly call home. However, all that is left was a sea of orange and red as the castle crumbled under the licking flames. Osiria felt her tears pooling around her eyes and before she knew it, tears trailed down her rosy cheeks again. She buried her head into her brother's hair, seeking comfort from her brother's warmth as they wheezed past countless forests.

Her brother came to a sudden stop and let her down. "Glamouree" he commanded and immediately his hair was changed to black, his eyes became a murky brown and his height was reduced to almost half. His clothes changed into a clean coat and breeches. Osiria's appearance changed too, her hair turned to black, her eyes were too a murky brown and she had the height of a toddler. She was donning a pretty pink silk dress.

Her brother quickly carried her to the harbor port and flashed a small bag of gold coins to the gatekeepers. Their eyes widened at the amount and quickly bowed, ushering them up to the ship as if they were royalty. Oh the irony.

As the ship's engine roared to life, her brother's eyes hardened at the faraway smoke and clenched his fist. His eyes darting towards his little sister, and a little smile appeared on his face.

He will protect his precious little sister, she is the only kin left now.

Even with his own life.


First chapter of this book! How did it go? I hope it makes you crave even more xD

Vote, comment and criticism is forever welcomed!



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