Bleed Academy

26 3 1

Year 2028

New York City, United States of America

I stared at the monstrosity of the metal gate that was actually studded with diamonds. I did a mental eye roll, seriously how rich was this academy? I internally snickered, vampires and humans are surely getting richer as years go by huh? As compared to the past, transportation were getting so much better, houses were more intact, food were getting increasingly delicious and many many more. Not that I was complaining, the world could definitely do some changes.

The buildings behind the gate were crazily enormous with the perfect blend of different shades of red. I was impressed at the work that this academy had obviously put in, it was gorgeous with intricate designs and patterns carved along the pillars. The entire structure glistened in the smouldering sun, giving an illusion that the academy is actually bleeding. I guessed that was how the name 'Bleed Academy' popped out. Regardless, it was quite a stupid name for such a prestigious academy if you ask me.

I looked down at my enrollment slip which was gold plated. I snorted, they sure knew how to make the students feel rich and superior. Gold plated enrollment slip, my previous schools did not even have such luxury, a plain and simple white piece of paper was my enrollment slip. I scrunched my face up into an unladylike manner.

"Do not try anything funny Ria. Do not have any attention directed towards you." My brother warned me when I was wearing my shoes earlier in the morning. I sighed as his words inched his way into my stubborn brain. I took a peek at my bracelet and gently touched it. It was warm.

I closed my eyes, this bracelet would keep my powers and appearance at bay. It was after all my parent's last gift to me, to keep me hidden from the world.

"What are you doing? Sending a prayer?" A voice said, dripping with sarcasm. I swirled around and found myself looking at a beautiful woman with platinum blonde wavy hair and an hourglass figure.

I raised my eyebrows, "Well yeah. I pray that bitchiness will one day bite you. In the neck." I winked at her before going through the diamond-studded gate, leaving her stunned by the gate.


I am still very delighted of my comeback earlier in the morning but at the same time, somewhat worried. I had promised my brother and myself to stay as me, a normal vampire who is on a scholarship, with a boring set of skills. I did not need history repeating itself again. Yet, I still felt very proud of myself, chuckling darkly. Besides, what if that bitch is a human? I could always make up a lame excuse later on. Worry later Ria, worry later.

I was introduced briefly as the newcomer in all of my classes with nobody paying attention which was totally fine by me. So far, the students are minding their own business in class with some sneaking glances at me and chattering among themselves. It is strange but I pretty much have gotten used to it.

I got myself a plate of rare beef and was beginning to dig in when a timid voice make a shy entrance to my ear.

I looked up to see a really pretty girl with light brown hair, reaching almost to her shoulders with honey coloured eyes, and is currently smiling awkwardly at me. I crooked my head to the side and put my utensils down.

"Erm hi! My name is erm Feylin and erm is it okay to erm sit down with you?" The girl who called herself Feylin scratched her head awkwardly. I chuckled softly, "Sure erm Feylin."

Feylin's eyes widened, "Oh no no! My name is Feylin not erm Feylin.."

I cocked my eyebrows in amusement and began to laugh out loud at her awkwardness and motioned for her to take a seat. Feylin gave me a sheepish smile and plopped herself down, not really impressed at me as I laughed at her, she placed a plate of raw beef down on the table. "I was just joking Feylin, and my name is Ria. Nice to meet you."

Feylin beamed, "Nice to meet you too!"

I smiled at her and dug into my food. "Are you new?" She asked. I nodded as I stuffed the meat into my mouth, savoring every drop of blood. "Want me to tell you about how the school works?" She asked again. I nodded, what worst could it get? I had been to many universities even humans'. They were all not bad, peaceful and calming. I also need to know how this academy works to avoid any trouble.

"There are many ranks in this Bleed Academy of the Vampires. There is the highest ranking- the Royals, not much surprise there. Second ranking- the Council's children. The third ranking- the rich's children like the boss of some fashion line, corporate blablabla. The fourth ranking- the middle class, children of respectable jobs like lawyers and doctors. And lastly the fifth- the commoners" Feylin whispered at that last phrase but of course, I caught the hurt in her tone. I patted her, "You have me! I am a commoner too!"

Feylin's eyes almost bulged and brought a hand to my mouth, "Never ever say that out loud!" I rolled my eyes, "What's wrong with commoners? We are all still vampires."

Feylin looked down to her half eaten meat, "It is not that simple Ria. I don't know which schools you have attended but this school is all about the money and prestige. This school has produced talented vampires, sometimes even surpassing that of Harvard University back in the human world."

I maintained a neutral face despite my mind was running over almost a mile per second. This is exactly why being a commoner is the best. Nobody will give a damn about a little commoner, no one will do a thorough background check, no one will give a shit. If I claimed to be from a respectable family or someone from a high rank, I had to do so much from planning, research, lying, changing my last name yet again and mind controlling any affiliated beings. Too much work for me and after so long, I just could not be bothered anymore. I just want to lead a normal life. My parents wished that for me, my brother had told me that.

After three hundred years, I understood why, I found out through a freak accident. My powers were an abomination, a terror that will throw the vampire world into chaos. I had to always hide from the upper authorities, fearing. I gulped, suddenly losing my appetite.

"Are you alright?" Feylin waved her hand in front of me. I snapped my head out and stupidly grinned, "Spaced out you know.." Feylin chuckled, shaking her head.

"As I was saying, do you want to study later? In the grand library later after school?" Feylin asked timidly.

I grinned, "Sure!" Since I had all the spare time, I decided to follow her and also checking out the library that was supposedly to be freaking grand as claimed in the newspapers.

I got up, and offered to put her plate too into the washing basin when I heard gasping and a scream,


I let the plates drop into the basin while rolling my eyes. Oh, how fantastic.


:) Another chapter for all of you lovelies. Hope you enjoy this chapter, I had fun writing this chapter as it is the kick starter of this story, I pray I do not disappoint you girls and guys.

Comment, vote and criticism are always welcomed!


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