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He's attracted to men.


In many ways, Jimmy was only more infuriated, mainly because he was so shocked he'd never realised before. Like it was something he should've known instantly. He always thought himself a good judge of character, but clearly he'd totally miscalculated his impression of Thomas.

But in some small part of his head, he could feel it urging his heart to beat a little bit faster, giving him an unstoppable hopeful tingle that meant he had to resist a smile.

Wait, hope? Hope for what? Stop it Jimmy.

"Oh..." he stuttered out, Anna raising an eyebrow at him in surprise.

"I thought you'd have at least guessed by now. I'm not one to spread secrets or anything I just assumed it was obvious to everyone."

"Yes. Right." Jimmy stared blankly at the table for a moment trying to wrap his head around it. I suppose the more he thought about it the more obvious it was... No, no it's not. He'd like to think it was but it really wasn't obvious to him at all. It's not like he'd ever seen Thomas act like that around a guy had he? No. So he tried desperately to restrain from getting angry at himself for not realising this long ago like everyone else seemingly had.

"Well, I'll be off now then," he said quietly as he sauntered off up to his room for the night. As he got up to the landing where all the men's rooms were, before he could enter his own, he heard the bathroom door swing open and Thomas walk out.

His hair was wet and it shone in the dim lighting of the corridor. He had a towel over his shoulder and was only wearing a t-shirt and his pyjama trousers. Jimmy felt his cheeks flush and coughed awkwardly. Thomas looked up at him, looking as cool and collected as ever.

"Fancied a good long bath," he said, sensing the question on Jimmy's lips.

He suddenly felt a jolt of discomfort. Was it because now he knew about Thomas' preference? Is that was this bad feeling in his stomach was? Truthfully, men like that never bothered Jimmy that much before, so long as they never made a move on him, he would happily befriend someone like that, as he'd done so with Thomas (even if it was without knowing). So why was he feeling so strange about this.

Thomas seemed to be waiting for a reply as he stared intently at Jimmy whilst both lingered at their doorways.

"Well, goodnight?" Thomas said, snapping Jimmy out of his trance.

"Yes. Um, goodnight, Mr Barrow."

"Why are you calling me that?"

"I, d-don't know? Sorry, Thomas, goodnight." And with that he swiftly slithered into his room round the door and shut it behind him.

You know exactly why you feel this way Jimmy...

No, no I don't.

Yes you do. It's because now there's a chance, a real chance that something could happen.

No. Not in a million years.

Don't deny it, you can't stop how you feel. And now you know he could feel the same way, you want him to do something about it, you know you do.

"No!" he said accidently aloud. He slammed his fist against his thin mattress in annoyance. No. He would not accept any feelings he had. It just wasn't him, not at all. And as if Thomas would like him back anyway, after all the rubbish he'd put him through with Ivy, there was just no way.

Midway through changing for bed, suddenly on impulse, Jimmy found he'd walked himself out of his room and to Thomas' door, knocking rapidly.


He didn't know, he didn't care.

Thomas opened the door, a look of irritation on his face at first, which melted the moment he saw Jimmy standing outside his room.

"Jimmy? What are you-"

He was cut off by Jimmy's lips. They smashed into his, for some reason, Jimmy could simply not stop himself. They stumbled back into his a room a few steps due to the force of the collision. Thomas seemed very, very shocked but made no move to stop Jimmy. So much passion, desire and emotion was poured out from Jimmy, he could feel tears in his eyes, but at this point he was so caught up in their kiss that he barely stopped to notice them. His fingers ran through Thomas sleek hair and held on as if for dear life. He needed Thomas, more than anything.

Slowly, he untangled his hands, lowering them to his sides and curling them into fists as he silently took a step back and broke their kiss. The silence was unbearable, he couldn't even look Thomas in the eye. Thomas himself seemed to have rendered himself useless, as he stood motionless.

Jimmy backed up, not even letting the words 'I'm sorry' escape him until he'd made his way back out the door and to his own room again.


A/N: Super short chapter I KNOW PLEASE DONT HURT ME

This was a sort of bridge chapter, um, yeah, I think the next chapter will be the last, but I'll make it extra long and try and cram as much angst into it as possible before the end :) I know, I'm so kind.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2016 ⏰

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