Chapter 3

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It was the day after Tsu brought me back to my village.

My uncle called me in to talk to me. I'm not sure what he wants to talk to me about. He had a troubled expression across his face, or perhaps it was just his wrinkles.

"Nami, do you know why you're here?" He asks.

"Not really. Does it have to do with the clan?"

"In a way, yes. You are of age to get married, Nami. I hope you've been thinking of a spouse, otherwise I already have a man in mind. We need you to produce offspring so the Nami lineage will carry on."

"Oh... Yeah that's right. I don't really have an idea of who I want to marry."

At the back of my mind, all I could think of was Tsu.

"I had a feeling that would happen. So, would you be willing to marry Rentaro-san?" He suggests.

"Ren? The one who says he was possessed by Suijin? Why him!"

Rentaro was a weird man. He often acts as if he was drunk, and constantly says that Suijin has control of his body. I've known him since childhood, but I've always tried to keep my distance away from him.

"Nami, there are barely any grown men in this village. This is the best we have. Besides, I'm sure Rentaro and you will make beautiful children!"

"No! I don't want to..."

"Nami, this is your duty as the leader of our clan. You knew this would happen."

"There must be some other way! What if... What if I could marry someone from the Tsu band?"

My uncle's eyes opened wide and he pulled me closer to him.

"What did you say? You're suggesting you want to marry those heathens? I hope this is a joke, Nami."

"Not all Tsu men are bad..."

My uncle let go of me and let out a sigh of disappointment.

"I saw you with another man when you came back from your pilgrimage. That man was from the Tsu band, correct? And if I'm right... He's the leader as well."

I gulped.

"H-How did you know?"

"That's easy to tell. Listen here, Nami. My dearest niece, I love you dearly. But if you betray us, I will kill you."

My uncle left my hut after saying those words. I couldn't believe what I just heard. My own uncle... He would murder me! Tears started accumulating in my eyes. I should've never let Tsu accompany me back. Now, I've lost the trust of my own uncle. Whatever shall I do?


As I roll around on my mat at night, I kept thinking about Tsu. I'm not sure what choice I could possibly make. I do not want to marry Rentaro. I would rather die than marry him. Wait... Did I think that right? I would rather die. That means my uncle's threat means nothing to me. Hahaha... That's right! I'm not afraid.

I got up from my mat and gathered my materials. Yes, I know what I need to do now. This is what I truly want. I sneak past all the huts, staying out of sight. Once I made it out of the village entrance, I ran westward. Adrenaline rushed through my veins, I felt so free. I made it to a nearby pond. I'll settle here for the night. I took out my katana and grabbed my long locks of hair. With one slick movement, I chopped off my hair. All I had now was a bob cut hairstyle. This is a new me, and I can't wait to see Tsu again. Hahaha!

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