XX: The Marionette of Ash

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Maybe being alone in the rain
Is what my story really meant
A story with damage, pure pain
Just like a message never sent.

Now I curse at the stars
And I scream your name
They respond with a faint light
My eyes saw the same.

I hold my heart close
In my palm it shatters and breaks
Every piece spoke my woes.
Now I rise and learn from these mistakes

Will she ever be mine again?
My heart yearns for an answer
Am I destined to be alone forever
I, the nonchalant dancer.

To her desires, my pride surrenders
To the wholeness of my heart,
She said "Come and be asunder!"
From each other my heart's pieces did depart

She used me like a puppeteer
I, the the pitiful marionette of ash
That's just how she loves
All my efforts straight to the trash.

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