III: Tool's Emotions

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Dual emotions were inflicted
Her hands reached out for mine
Her kiss wasn't something I resisted
And for a while it was all fine

Emotions flushed as her lips felt his
And with it came the taste of distrust
Will we ever know war without peace?
Will we ever have love without lust?

It was evil but it was beautiful
And she was something I wont let go
But with my steps I must be careful
She is sly, for all I know.

If life favors us in motion
Then why do i feel this way for her
Why do i get this emotion
Why do I even try to hinder?

When she'll soon be moving
Things will get slow
Times will pass, and there will be waiting
That's something we both know.

As the warmth of her body inflamed my arms
She sang to me a familliar melody
Her body danced a love symphony
But to this, I was not alarmed

I am so sick of the things I did
Cause she walked out the door
The actions I did were actions i once did forbid
And I forbid my arms to love once more

If I sing of what used to be
I would cry and destroy my smile
But now that shes free
There is peace for a while.

And if she whispered the words I longed hear
She and I wouldve been better
If I would not be in pain here
She and I would've been lovers

Her last words blaze through my ears,
And I took the arrow of her words like a fool
But with the pain felt i shed no tears
For she was a user, I was just her tool.

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