Ch. 10- Dissecting the United States

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Author's Note: Just to let you guys know, I will not be updating on Sundays usually or later this week because I am on a break from school and I'm leaving my laptop in my dorm. But I will update tomorrow and maybe Wednesday. But if I get more comments I'll post two chapters tomorrow or Wednesday for you! Enjoy!

Amanda's Motorcycle-->


The next morning I woke up to three girls leaning over the dresser and whispering. I yawned and sat up as they all glanced back at me. Emily and Caitlin were still asleep so I carefully slid out of the bed and walked over to them. “What are you guys looking at?” I asked as I yawned again. Alex and Jennifer moved aside so I would have to join the little group that was hovering over the bedroom piece. “We’re trying to figure out where to go,” Jennifer said as she looked over her shoulder at the two girls. I nodded and looked down at the map the three girls had found.

 “How long have you guys been up?” I asked and they shrugged. “About half an hour,” Alex whispered. I nodded again and continued to look at the map of the United States. It was a normal map that showed the States and their capitals but some parts were circled in a red sharpie. “Why are they circled?” I asked and Melissa, who had the red marker, outlined the states again as she explained. “We can’t go around Louisiana, but we can still go south, at least that’s what we think. We just need to stay away from Supernatural hubs. We can’t go around New York or anywhere near the northeast because of Jennifer’s little problem. And Alex said that we can’t stay in California or go to anywhere in the Midwest,” she told me.

Alex nodded and circled some places with a blue sharpie that she had been holding, “So that leaves Texas, a few of the border states, and way up north in Washington and Montana,” she said as she circled them with a blue sharpie she had been holding that I hadn’t noticed. Then she turned to me, “So take your pick boss,” she told me as she handed me the blue sharpie. I nodded but set the blue sharpie down on the dresser and took the red one from Melissa. I leaned over the map and looked at it, “Well, if my calculations are correct, the we can’t go anywhere in the east because it is very dangerous for all of us. Even the border states,” I told them as I colored out the east section of the map.

Then I colored out the south, “and this,” I said, “is out of the question. It is dangerous to set foot down there. But we can’t go north because the majority of the Fay live there. So all that’s left is Texas and as it so happens, I’m not in very good standing with the packs there at this moment,” I told them as I colored in red the rest of the states. We all looked at the completely red map of the United States for a second before Jennifer sighed. “Great you guys,” she said, “We’re going to Hawaii.”

Alex looked up at her, “Really? Because I don’t have a passport. Or money. Or even a home address to put down right now besides my parent’s house. And while their always willing to help me out, I don’t think telling them I’m running away with two Were-creatures, two little girls that I found one day on my way to New Orleans that don’t speak, and a girl who may have murdered, with good reason though, her boss,” she told us with a frown. Melissa sighed and looked down at the map again as Jennifer mimed a bomb blowing up with her hands, “there goes that theory,” she said before they all looked at me.

 “What do you think we should do Amanda?” Melissa asked and Alex nodded as she looked at me. “Yeah,” she said, “What do you think?” I paused and closed my eyes in frustration. “I don’t know,” I whispered as I looked at the map. I felt like we were safe for now, but that was because we had only had one attack from these guys. “We don’t even know if they’re going to attack again,” I told them, “But I think it’s better to be safe than sorry. We could go to the Midwest though. My old pack is now ruled by my mate, but if we stay in the fringes of the state I should be undetected,” I told them. They all seemed to consider this for a minute before Alex spoke up.

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